
What are the instruments and tools used to determine each of the fellowing in the river's water?

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houshold detergents



nitrogen and phosphorus

Cd, Cu, Hg, Se, Zn




  1. Actually

    For the metal ions and an Atomic Adsorption Spectrograph or an Inductively Coupled Plasma torch spectrograph that does other elements as well and for the other chemicals ether a Gas Chromatograph or High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph attached to a Mass Spectrometer.

    For a rough measurements Ion electrodes can be used to check ion concentrations.

    Samples need to be taken in prepared sample bottles and kept cold until ready for testing.

    Depending on what you are testing the pH of the sample may need to be modified to keep the ions in solution.

  2. For the metal ions and an Atomic Adsorption Spectrograph or an Inductively Coupled Plasma torch spectrograph that does other elements as well and for the other chemicals ether a Gas Chromatograph or High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph attached to a Mass Spectrometer.

    For a rough measurements Ion electrodes can be used to check ion concentrations.

    Samples need to be taken in prepared sample bottles and kept cold until ready for testing.

    Depending on what you are testing the pH of the sample may need to be modified to keep the ions in solution.

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