
What are the involvement of parents in the classroom activities?

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how can be involve the parents in the classroom activities?




  1. How can we involve parents in classroom activities? The possibilities are nearly endless!!

    In a parent co-op, duties and activities are usually required and spelled out quite clearly. It may involve assisting the teacher, cleaning, playing with children, repairing equipment, serving snack, supervising on the playground, etc. Parents are expected and required to be highly involved in the classroom.

    In a non-co-op preschool, parents often require a bit more encouragement to get involved. It can be difficult as they may be working during the time their child is in school. However, they are usually happy to get involved as much as they can. Opportunities could include assisting on field trips, making presentations to the children (about their jobs or other topics), reading to children, attending parent nights or open houses, serving on a parent council or committee, repairing broken or torn items, etc.

    In either type of school, parents are often asked to participate in fundraisers for the school, attend teas, parties or special presentations by their children, help with cleaning (esp. at the beginning and end of the year).

  2. I would love to help you or share my experiences with you on this subject; however, I don't understand your question.  Please rephrase...

  3. i am not sure i understand what the question is. are you wanting to know how parents can be involved in the classroom?

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