
What are the issues concerning livestock and environment.?

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i've got a presentation in 3 weeks..

and i do know about the effects livestock caused to the environment..

but according to my professor, effects does not equal issues..

so, anyone can help me with the issues?

i'm lost~




  1. one of the major issue related to livestock development with reference to environment is emission of methane which cause global warming.

    Methane has more potential to cause global warming than carbon dioxide.

    you can visit for more details.  

  2. Hm. The first thing that came to mind was runoff from farms. Try googling it. Best of luck with the presentation.  

  3. Maybe he's looking for something like this?

    Effect: Methane production   Issue: Climate change

    Effect: Agricultural runoff       Issue: Water/groundwater pollution

    Effect: Overgrazing               Issue: Erosion/desertification


    There are also political and economic issues involved. For example, a lot of the worst abuses are perpetrated by corporate agriculture, which has an extremely powerful lobby in Washington and which has the support of many Americans because people like cheap hamburgers.  

  4. Livestock & the environment: Finding a balance

    THIS  is intended to contribute to solving one of today's most crucial agricultural dilemmas: how to find a balance between a fast growing global demand for food and the need to sustain the natural resource base of land, water, air and biological diversity. It is a direct response to the concern for food security, as expressed at the World Food Summit, and to the concern expressed for the environment through several international conventions, such as the International Convention on Biological Diversity, the Montreal Protocol on the emission of greenhouse gases and the Convention to Combat Desertification. It is also cast in the light of changes in the global trade environment, following the Uruguay Round Agreement, which may bring about significant changes in the patterns of trade in livestock and livestock products.

    Fully aware of these concerns, a group of multi-lateral and bilateral donors and other organizations undertook to identify ways to help the livestock sector to satisfy future demands while at the same time preserving the natural resource base. These are the Commission of the European Union, DANIDA of Denmark, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Ministère de la Cooperation of France, BMZ through GTZ in Germany, the Directorate General of International Cooperation of the Netherlands, the Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency for International Development of the United States, and the World Bank.

    Focussing on livestock production and processing, which often have been associated with negative environmental effects, this report identifies how to alleviate the negative and enhance the positive impact of livestock on the environment and thereby contribute to the sustainable use of the natural resource base. This main report is directed at a technical audience in the domains of agricultural development, livestock production and the environment. In parallel,

    books are availble at local library

    hope this helps

  5. Try looking up these:

    1. runoff as the first poster said

    2. inhumane conditions; this mostly for cows and chickens. They have to basically live in extremely cramped conditions--this is for both meat animals and those that make milk and eggs.

    3. The above spreads disease

    4. It costs far more in resources than what is yielded--it takes like 16 times more water to produce a pound of beef than a pound of grain (or something like that, I don't remember the exact quote).

    5.Producers use many chemicals that end up in the meat/dairy. They give growth hormones, antibiotics, and use pesticides in feed and sometiimes insecticides on the grounds.

    6. Farmland is being lost to urban development--this is not happening with large farms but with locally raised stock. There's always some conflict between the water needs of farmers and metropolitaion areas.

    7. Cows are producers of methane (farts), contributing to grreenhouse gases.

    8. Increases in grain (and the fuel to distribute it) prices drive up the cost of meat.  We can get many foods year round. The transportaion creates more pollution than buying in season and locally.

    9.Money is a big issue tied into all the rest. It is so much cheaper to do things the wrong way than the right way, whatever that means to consumers.

    10.The biggest issue I think, is that our society is so specialzied at work and so plugged in at home that they just don't know where thier food comes from and how. Most just don't care as long as it ends up in pretty plastic packaging. Those few that do know we can get more environmentally friendly meat/dairy/produce, but it cost signifigantly more.

    Ooooh, is this like a top ten list?

    I hope this gives you a good start and good luck with your project!

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