
What are the items in a chuckwagoon?

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What are the items in a chuckwagoon?




  1. food made in a dutch oven in the ground

  2. -was your wagon wheel also missing a spoke.,? mine was suppose to be brand new,.

  3. Pots, pans, firewood, grates, coffeepot, measuring spoons, pancake turners, spoons, forks knives.  For food stuff like flour, sugar, salt, pepper, cinnamon, eggs, canned milk, beans and lots of coffee!

  4. A chuckwagon was originally a wagon that carried food and cooking equipment on the prairies of the United States and Canada. They would form a part of a wagon train of settlers or feed nomadic workers like cowboys or loggers.

    the invention of the chuckwagon is accredited to Charles Goodnight, a Texas rancher who introduced the concept in 1866. Chuck was then a slang term for food. Chuckwagon food included easy to preserve items like beans and salted meats, coffee, and sourdough biscuits. Food would also be gathered en route. In fact, in Texas, it is said that chile peppers were planted along the cattle trails to serve for future use.

  5. Cast iron cooking pots and pans, spoons, forks, knives, spices, condiments and beans, lots of beans.

  6. During Wild Wild West era it was cargo.

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