
What are the japanese symbols for these letters?

by  |  earlier

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S,P,E,R. Thank you in advance!!




  1. Nothing. Japanese don't go by individual letters except for "N" and the vowels.

    If you want, I will give you how those letters sound in Japanese:

    S = エス (esu)

    P = ピー (pih)

    E = イー (ih)

    R = アル (aru)

    Add: The letter E is え (or エ in katakana) but the sound is different.

    Add2: If it's the pronunciation you're after then it is スピーダー (supihdah).

    (here come the thumbs down, yahoo!)

  2. Well, that depends really. Japanese letters are mostly syllables, they don't have stand-alone consonants. It also depends on what you'll use them for. There's Katakana (usually for foreign words) and Hiragana (usually for local japanese words) I'll give them all to you anyway :)

    Here's an image:

    (P isn't present, but you can make P's from H's by adding a little circle on the upper right of the character)


    Format: Katakana / Hiragana

    E (pronounced 'eh') エ / え

    Sa サ  / さ

    s**+ (there is no 'si') シ / し

    Su ス / す

    Se セ / せ

    So ソ / そ

    Pa パ / ぱ

    Pi ピ / ぴ

    Pu プ / ぷ

    Pe ペ / ぺ

    Po ポ / ぽ

    Ra ラ / ら

    Ri リ / り

    Ru  ÃƒÂ£Ã‚ƒÂ« / る

    Re レ / れ

    Ro ロ / ろ

    You have to be careful in writing them, though. If you want to learn more, here's some links:


    Speeder is a different case, you can't just spell it with the Japanese equivalent. It's based on the sound, therefore you get, スピーダー (supiidaa)

  3. Japanese is a syllabary language, which means there is a consonant and a vowel.

    Ka ki ku ke ko,

    sa s**+ su se so

    ra ru ru re ro

    The letter "E" is え

    If you can give me the next letter of S, P, and R, I can help you then.

  4. N, and A I U E O

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