
What are the job hours and working conditions for a wildlife rehabilitator?

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What are the job hours and working conditions for a wildlife rehabilitator?




  1. i've known quite a few wildlife rehabilitators and every one has been a volunteer. In other words, they work for nothing and their working conditions are whatever they're prepared to work.

  2. My wife and I are 'wildlife rehabilitators', now based in Tropical North Queensland for the last 2 years, but previously in South East Qld (Brisbane) for 15 years. Wildlife rehabilitation of orphaned & injured wildlife is voluntary, in your own spare time. You must either be a member of a registered organisation or obtain your own permit from the Environmental Protection Agency. There is minimal government support, all expenses are out of your own pocket (vet fees, feeding, cages/accommodation etc), although most organisations provide support by way of training and discounted equipment, food etc.

    The only paid positions would be with various wildlife zoos (Australia Zoo for example), or perhaps with the RSPCA (privately funded) or NPWS (Govt-based National Parks & Wildlife Service).

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