
What are the jobs most Wanted in Canada right now?

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What are the jobs most Wanted in Canada right now?




  1. Medical staff with all the stuff I hear about doctor shortages.

  2. There is currently a nurse shortage in Vancouver, BC.

  3. Canada is a big place, so obviously there are regional differences.  In general, medical professionals, engineers, and Human Resource specialists are needed almost everywhere.  

    In the west, due to the oil & construction boom in Alberta, there are many openings for trade workers, welders, pipefitters, etc.  In Quebec, especially around Quebec City, there is a growing community of High Tech (Bio) companies, so there is a demand there for highly skilled professionals.

    I hope I have provided the answer you were looking for.  Good luck with your job search?!

  4. This year it's projected we'll be short nearly 2 thousand facility managers.

    At number 2 on the top ten job shortage list, is art, recreation and sport managers.

    At number three we need about a thousand engineers to fill demand.

    Then it's biologists, foresters and agricultural professionals.

    At number 5, were short over 800 doctors, dentists and veterinarians.

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