
What are the jobs needed on a spaceship?

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I need twelve and so far I've got: judge, psychologist, engineer (computer + electrical), pilot, flight analyst / spacial aerodynamics, mechanic, doctor, nurse, military officer. what else?




  1. Someone to shovel the coal. Just kidding. How 'bout a Navigator? And a Machinist, to custom make worn parts? Navy ships always have a Machinist Department to make special parts, and they're always busy. And a Cook, or Dietitian.

  2. WELL! You need SOMEONE on the spacecraft to pull the signal cord (like on a bus when you want to signal the driver that the next stop is yours) so that you can get back to Earth.

    <<spacial aerodynamics>> is NOT a recognized disclipine yet, so you can safely omit that from your list. And NO, there is no such thing as "space aerodynamics" either, unless you want to consider flying into the stellar winds as a form or relevant aeronautics.

  3. janitor,  (somebody's got to clean the zero G toilets)


    ~~~ Forget the judge, who needs them?  The pilot is probably the captain and as such would be in "command".


  4. Hooker. What are you, a frikkin' idiot? It's the oldest profession.

    Everyone needs a shot of leg...

  5. Building a spaceship?

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