
What are the jobs of kings and queens?

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What are the jobs of kings and queens?




  1. tradition, ceremonial

  2. In addition to a monarch's constitutional duties, The King/Queen and the royal family all have an important role to play in public. As a national figurehead, the monarch and its royal family provides a focus for identity, offers recognition of achievement of all kinds, and supports the ideals of public and charitable work.

    For example, Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, acts as a focus for national unity and pride by means of regular visits in the UK, her other realms, the Commonwealth and overseas destinations. The Queen is supported by other members of the Royal Family, who also carry out thousands of visits each year.

    The Queen recognises excellence and achievement. This takes place in many ways: through Royal visits which provide a 'seal of approval' to a charity or community; through the award of honours and prizes to outstanding individuals; and through messages sent to those celebrating special birthdays or wedding anniversaries.

    The Queen and the Royal Family also play an important part in the public and voluntary sector. Through involvement with hundreds of charities, military units and other organisations, they promote the ideal of service to others.

  3. I dont know, what is your job?

  4. to reign and rule over peoples and nations

  5. at one time they were the political, military and social leader of their respective countries and they believed they had "divine" rule now they are only figure heads

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