
What are the joker's origins??

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In the dark knight, it says the joker wears makeup and his scars are from his father. In Batman, it says his skin is white because he fell in acid and his scars are from glass. So what is he really? Is his name actually Jack??




  1. You're asking about the films here which is very different from the actual comics. Also, in Dark Knight he actually tells 2 completely different story's about how he got the scars, he just tells lies to entertain himself and no true origin is told.

    If you want to discuss comics more then head over to where there is active comic discussion and comic downloads!

  2. The Joker origin has been tell several times in Batman graphic novels. Most of the origin lead for the same thing. The Joker fell off into a chemical waste (in The Killing Joke) or chemical vats (in Red Hood) after trying to escape from Batman (and Robin in Red Hood). He emerges from the chemical with bleached skin, green hair and a permanent grin on his face. Batman didn't know what exactly happen because the only thing he's seeing and done was trying to captured a villain called Red Hood. He didn't know he accidentally 'created' The Joker at the time as quoted by himself in The Killing Joke

    "I've been trying to figure out what he intends to do. It almost impossible. I don't know him, Alfred. All these years and I don't know who he is any more than he knows who I am. How can two people hate so much without knowing each other?"

    and as quoted by The Joker in The Killing Joke

    "Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another... if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"

    "Remember? Ohh, I wouldn't do THAT! Remembering is DANGEROUS. I find the past such a worrying, anxious place. "THE PAST TENSE", I suppose you'd call it."

    In The Killing Joke they didn't revealed his real name, but he has pregnant wife named Jeannie. They both lived in an apartment.


    The Joker in the movie wears make up/war paint symbolize he's an anarchist unlike the comics. Nolan probably intend to make/explore more about The Joker past in his next movie but now that Heath Ledger passing we didn't know for sure what/who exactly The Joker Ledger potraying in the Dark Knight movie.

  3. Well the Joker really doesn't have a background

    but he is basically known for his

    high intelligence, good hand combat

    and computer skills.

    Umm far as I know,

    He is psychotic.

    And they don't really go on much about his

    Life stage.

  4. there are different versions of him.

    the fallen-into-acid version is the one used in the comic books, cartoons, etc.

    nolan probably just did the makeup-wearing version in the movie to make him more believable.

    the joker really has no background. every version of him lies about his past and makes things up all the time and has a million different versions of his life that he tells people.  

  5. I think Chris Nolan changed it into make-up to make it more "realistic" since he's going for a more realistic view of Batman. Before that, I always thought that the Joker's skin was permanent, not make-up.


    If you're going to have a spoiler in your question, will you please write "Spoiler Alert"? I hate spoilers >:p

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