
What are the key concerns that make Global Warming so important?

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What are the key concerns that make Global Warming so important?




  1. The fact that the Martian ice cap is sublimating (melting into gas).

  2. I can tell you what I understand to be the case after having reviewed the subject with some attention to detail.  Their is  consensus in the scientific community that the outer atmosphere is not exhaling carbon dioxide because the earth's plants and oceans are at capacity.  The argument is the cause.  Man made emissions rapidly pollute, for instance automobiles, industrial smoke stacks etc. Regardless of the source, the rate of pollution is exponentially quicker than the earth's ability to absorb carbon dioxide.  The rain forests are not as robust which in the past, worked for the planet like a good strong set of lungs to off set trapping gases in the atmosphere.  Rain forests and plants inhale/absorb carbon dioxide, however, the capacity for this to occur are greatly diminished due to commercial logging.  More trees would help matters, but can no longer solve the problem.

    Scientist believe, the ocean has a conveyor belt of hot and cold water that circulates on a seasonal basis.  As you are well aware, water in the Pacific is warm, Atlantic water is cold.  At the same time the polar ice cap is reduced due to rising temperatures.  Water temperatures are rising because of the earth's atmosphere.  Ice is a reflective material to the sun and the trapped gases intensify surface temperatures, warm water is moving deeper into Cold Waters due to the ocean's conveyor belt, causing a warming in the water and the sun is melting Arctic ice, a double whammy of sorts.

    Atmospheric temperatures increase and decrease based on the Ocean. Most of the earth is water.  The net effect is that Land temperatures increase by 2-5 degrees celsius.  This causes winters to be milder, shorter in length, brief spring and long hot summers, spring like fall seasons.  The weather pattern is then interrupted and causes flooding where it should be drought, drought where it should be flooding. Nature's clock is off.  The more industrialized China and India become, it becomes an accelerant to "global warming" because of the increased use of fossil fuels, like coal and oil, the two main suspects who are accused of precipitation of global warming.

    Animals like the polar bear, depend on frozen tundra, salmon depends on cold water, on the coast of Japan, they are seeing jumbo Jellyfish due to the warm temperatures, so we are seeing a recurrent theme, a choppy cycle with weather and abrupt weather patterns.  I believe, what we see and experience is clear, who is at fault and who will take the lead is the question.  The secondary question is who will make the sacrifice.  The western model of diplomacy and business is set on a competitive model, that does not allow us to hamper our global advantage to energy when China and India are full steam ahead.  However, the destruction in nature is mutual. Many of the people who wrestle with the question you just raised have no sense of what is happening, they look at it from a political competitive orientation, overlooking the body of work the scientific community has yielded for our review. These are the key concerns to Global Warming as I see it, which suggests it's importance to us all. I hope this furthers your understanding on the matter.  Peace.

  3. 1. Al Gore needs a few more million of somebody elses money.

    2. A lot of environmental scientists need to keep that grant money coming in.

    3. The U.S. is way too rich so we need a way for some more backward countries to catch up.

    4. Liberals need a way besides work to feel useful to society.

    5. We need as many methods as possible to seperate the honest hard working folks from their money and give it to the groups that we feel are more deserving.

    6. How else are we ( as the liberal elite ) going to feel superior to those honest capitalists when we have nothing much going for us.

    7. We must worship the great mother even as we inadvertently ruin her through retarded policy positions.

    8. Don't we deserve a great religion to call our own?

    9. Since we can't honestly convince people socialism is good we need a vehicle to dupe the masses into it with.

    10. We also need a convenient way to steal the money from citizens pension funds that is held in oil company stocks by telling them that some evil wizard named exxon is destoring the great mother while hoarding all the cash in a great golden money vault. ( don't worry most of them don't even understand that 70+ % of these stocks are actually owned by middle class americans.

    Those are all the really important concerns that I can think of right now but don't be sad i'll come up with more.

    Hope this helps. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

  4. The politicians raising taxes and cutting into our liberties.

    Global warming makes The Patriot Act look like the bill of rights.

  5. You can make alot of money from lying about AGW is true.

  6. the key concerns are

    1} are we being told the truth

    2} how is our food supply going to go

    3} water supply shortages

    4} quality of food

    5} sun cancer and other health problems

    6} medical supplies and health care shortages world wide

    7} people's ignorance of something that affects us all

    8} air quality and supply and

    9} basic sanitation

    there are probably allot more issues but these are the main ones that affect us all and should be on everyone's agenda.

  7. The seasons are being effected, by length. Also, changing the expected weather. Do you want snow during summer? That's what it can all come too.

    Hazardess gasses being lifted into the air are staying there, because are is no longer moist enough to fight back.

    List goes on and onnn!

    Search global warming issues

  8. positive feedbacks. e.g.; raising co2 raises temperature raises co2.

    biggest political problem will be mass migration. the population has exploded, and a majority of the increase has been in low lying areas and in places with low rainfall.

    there are going to be a lot of displaced people from flooded and desertified (is that a real word?) areas.

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