
What are the key differences between electronic drums and acoustic ones?

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I want to learn to play the drums, however, my family refuses to take the noise. Obviously, acoustic drums are very loud but is there a way to seriously muffle them without compromising the drums? With electric drums, how loud is the striking alone? Do electric drums actually sound like acoustic ones? And the last thing, how hard is it to transition from electric to acoustic?




  1. i have just started playing drums and i have an electric one. even with headphones in my family can still hear a dull thudding noise in the background, but they are just in the room next door. so i can imagine the effect an acoustic one would have! my advice is to get an electric one, but put it in your garage or in a room upstairs if your family spend most of the time downstairs... The noise isn't v. loud but it still annoys them a bit.

  2. You can use pads on acoustic drums, but they're won't sound any good- it's only for practice. Since you're just starting off, get and electric kit. You can upgrade the sound module or individual pads as you get more cash, or possibly even use software synthesizers to make them sound better. Electric kits won't be completely silent- I wouldn't play them with people trying to sleep. And remember that you'll need some amplification for them if you want to play in a band. But they're probably the best choice. Even most pros today use electric drums or triggers instead of micing acoustic drums. It's just impractical, and not worth it outside of proffesional recording studios.  

  3. The key difference between them is rather obvious, ones acoustic, meaning it isn't plugged in or electronic, and the other you plug in to generate the sound.

    I have an acoustic, they always sound better than an electronic. Also, you can't play slightly behind of ahead of the beat with an electronic, I read that somewhere.

  4. electric drums r only as loud as u play them. think of the video game rockband's drumms. theyre gonna b about as loud as tht. BUT there is almost no reason 2 buy an electric set, they r overly expensive and breakdown easily. buy an acousitic set 4 sure. there are things called cymbal and drum mutes. they lower the sound output of each piece by 90%. theyre inexpencive and u can have all the benifits of an acoustic set when u need it, jus remove the mutes. but if u dont wanna shell out the cash 4 them, which i think u should, putting towels over each drum and cymbal does the exact same thing.  

  5. use electric if your family doesn't like the noise just go clink and turn down the sound level.

    p.s. the acoustic doesn't have a volume k**b.

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