
What are the key elements of a participatory process to improve local communities to improve their livelihood?

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My question is related to commumity forestry. Even though some village commumities around the world are surrounded by extensive and biologically-rich natural forests, they can still be living in poverty. What are the key lements of a participatory process that is designed to empower members of this communities so that they can harness the benefits from the surrounding forest to improve their livelihood????????




  1. Education, training and spreading the information, creating awareness, identifying problems and giving commercially viable solutions. I think in these area people do have technologies which they are using since many decades and they are reluctant to use it for people other than their community.

  2. ma che c'azzecca?

  3. In my mind, elimination of government interference and pseudo environmental opposition would help a great deal.

    For example, it is my contention that an acre of corn sequesters more carbon dioxide than an acre of rain forest, it provides much more human food, provides way more jobs, etc. yet the "environmentalists?" preach preserve the rain forests

  4. Freedom from oppressive governments is the biggest thing that would empower these communities to help themselves.

  5. They are still in poverty because they dont have the technology to improve.

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