
What are the keys to winning a game of chess? What should my first few moves be and why?

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What are the keys to winning a game of chess? What should my first few moves be and why?




  1. The keys to winning chess are caution, experience, calculation.

    The first few moves should be to develop your pieces (Knights and Bishops), try and control the center (usually with pawns and pieces).  Try to develop each piece to its best square in ONE MOVE. Don't move the same piece twice in the opening. If your opponent is developing, and clearing his back rank (to prepare for castling) then you should not be behind in development, or else he will attack.  Whatever you do, play to develop your pieces (move them off the back rank) and try and control the center with those pieces (and your pawns).

  2. Move to control the center of the board with multiple threats and open sides. Everything will develop better for you from that. And practice a lot, preferably against someone who regularly beats you at first.

  3. Develop your pieces quickly and castle - in beginner games, this will give you good control of the board.

  4. Well when I was small and getting taught in an elementary school club, I always got taught that 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 was the best way to start. This is because it controls the center, prepares you to castle, and develops pieces. This is an extremely useful opening for beginners, but as you rise up in the ranks, you will find that this strategy isn't always the correct one.

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