
What are the kinds of misbehaviors of kindergarten pupils in class?

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what does the teacher do to prevent these misbehaviors?




  1. Normal misbehaviours are:

    -Snatching toys off others and general not sharing---prevention=lots of social experience so child learns the art of sharing and negoatiation. If adult see's child snatching address the situation ASAP to explain to child that someone is still playing and they'll have to wait. And praise good sharing then children have confidence boost and attention seekers see a positive way of getting adults attention.

    -Talking when its quiet time---prevention: Ensure child KNOW it is now quiet time and behaviour has changed. We have a symbol so children know its quiet time. Then its a case of monitor the children-those who need support should have adult nearby to help them.

    -Throwing things in bad temper---prevention: try to declutter the room so that the risk of injury is less. Ensure children are adequately staffed so that adult can see if child is getting upset and try to distract them.

    -Refusal to cooperate---prevention: ensure childrenhave a routine and are aware when class has moved onto something new. Then children tend to sort themselves out-and if they refuse to change activity adult can explain that we follow the routine and its not fair to others if staff let them stay and not everyone else. Then i join inoesnt work its the two choices-either they join in or they go to time out with an adult---ask them which they prefer---often they'll say "Ill join in" but if they refuse still you can say ok "time out".

    I know a setting that has a traffic light situation-there are three circles on the wall-red, yellow, green. Everyone starts day in the green...if they get told off it goes to yellow-after few mins of good behaviour they move back to green. IF children is in yellow and misbehaves again they go to red...the child is told that their behaviour will go in diary to mummy and daddy and if they stay in red after a few mins then they get a time out.

    But in my experience the best way to prevent misbehaviour is:

    -ensure children are watched by staff who know them personally-their likes, dislikes, personality so they can intervene.

    -make sure room and toys are exciting and not too hard (but not too easy) so children arent bored.

    -Have a quiet area for children who need to chill.

    -Have a visual ruleboard/time table so all chidlren can SEE what is expected that day.

    -Ensure children are understanding what is being said to them-many times children get frustrated as they dont understand, they cant communicate what they mean or feel or want etc.

  2. Catch them being good/ praise good behaviors

    Some type of insensitive chart/ After getting so many stickers they go to the prize box

    Have all students sign at the beginning of the year

    Prevent/ predict behavior before  it happens

    Have a sign/signal w/ a child before they get out of control

    Give the children a choice 1. you can sit w/ your friends and listen 2. You can be my shadow until you calm down

    Name on the board

    Traffic light system always works

  3. A few years ago, names on the board were still being utilized. Last year, I heard that they were using a red, yellow, green and blue light thing, where a letter would go home if the child made it to a blue light. This traffic light thing seems to be sweeping schools, recently, but I've never directly had experience with it.

  4. Lots of negative behaviors can come from children, especially impressionable Kinders! I think most of it stems from older siblings and/or tv...the best way to stop this is positive re-inforcement and ensuring parents are made aware of it. Another tip is to light...yellow light.....great behavior is a green light....behavior starting to get out of hand is a you'd tell the child "yellow light"....if the poor behavior persists...then they get a time out/red woeks really well with this age group.

    Good Luck!!

  5. There can be a lot of difference in maturity levels in Kindergarten...anywhere from 3 to 7 year old maturity levels. Therefore, a wide variety of inappropriate classroom behavior is found. Some teachers use a lot of positive reinforcement as a management system, the idea being if you pay more attention to the positive behaviors then the negative ones will go away.

    Some schools have a school wide plan of discipline. For example, at my school, we have the step system. A student is allowed five "steps" before they are sent out of class. Each "step" carries certain consequences that get harsher as more "steps" are accumulated. (loss of recess time/center time, notes homes, phone call to parents, etc) It is up to the individual classroom teacher as to how that step system is put into use inside the class.

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