
What are the last checks to be done before mounting a horse?

by  |  earlier

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could you tell me the answers out of the thesse

Inspect the horse's teeth

Check that the horse has gone to the saddle

Check the length of the stirrups

Check the girth




  1. do NOT p**s off the horse or it will kick the **** out of you

    hope this helped =)

  2. check the bridle

    nose strap etc

    the bit isn't too loose or too tight rubbing his mouth

    pretty much ready to go

  3. Girth is checked before mounting.

    Stirrups are adjusted once rider has mounted.

  4. say a prayer of thanks for the moment! enjoy!

  5. The horse doesn't have to go to the saddle!!!

    It doesn't want the saddle, and you have to make it want it!!!

    The correct saddle check is:

    Inspect Teeth

    Inspect Bit

    Inspect Bridle

    Inspect Saddle

    Inspect Girth and Other Straps

    Inspect Saddle Pads

    Inspect The Stirrups

    That Was Tack Check.

    Now Inspect Your Horse.


    Girth Area

    Saddle Area







    How the horse is acting is something to check too.

    Check for weird actions, sickness, limping, or more.

    Also, check the arena you will ride in.

    Climb On.

    Check to make shure everything is comfortable, and fits, if not mount off.

    Fix It.

    Get On, and Enjoy the ride!!!

  6. Main checks are that the tack is on properly.  Check that all the straps on the bridle are done up and that the girth is tight.  You could make the stirrups the right length but you can also do this when you are on the horse. To make them the right length you hold the top of the stirrup leather where it is attached to the saddle and the stirrup iron should be about where your armpit is ie. the length of your arm.  You could also check that the stirrup bar is down.  This means that if you fall off and your foot gets stuck in the stirrup, the stirrup will come off the saddle.  Ask someone to show you how to do this.  Then you put the reins over the horses head.

  7. I don't even know what "check that the horse has gone to the saddle" means.  It sounds like you want your horse to tack up for you.  lol!

    The most important thing to do before mounting is checking the girth (that's what holds the saddle on... if you get on and it's loose, you and the saddle will slide right off the horse!)

    You'll also want to check the stirrups because they're much easier to change before you get on than once you're on the horse.

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