
What are the law in virginia

by Guest66419  |  earlier

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does anyone know if there is a law for grandparents in the state of va.

and what kind as far as having a right to see your grandkids




  1. If the child is in the custody of his/her parent or guardian, and the matter is not before the juvenile and domestic relations court, the parent/guardian will most likely prevail if they do not want the grandparent to have contact with the child.  However, in certain circumstances, the law does provide for visitation by grandparents:

    Section 16.1-241 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, provides:

    The authority of the juvenile court to adjudicate matters involving the custody, visitation, support, control or disposition of a child shall not be limited to the consideration of petitions filed by a mother, father or legal guardian but shall include petitions filed at any time by any party with a legitimate interest therein. A party with a legitimate interest shall be broadly construed and shall include, but not be limited to, grandparents,,,

    Grandparents may also have visitation rights for children in foster care, provided they can establish an ongoing relationship with the child prior to his being placed in foster care and that it is in the best interests of the child that the relationship continue.

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