
What are the laws and rules on taking children over the road while driving a truck?

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I'm just wondering what the laws and rules are on taking a child over the road. I thought it was against the law, but I've been told different. Anyone know?




  1. i believe it depend on the company. some company let kids on the truck when they are baby but that is when the parents are owner of the truck. my company allow 12 yrs old if they are kid of the parents or 16 yrs old family friend.

  2. You drive a transport truck ? You must have a document stating that your company permits miners in vehicle.  You must have a letter sating that you are alowd to and that they are aware of travel from guardian or other parrent If travelling across state or country borders you must have pasport or birth citificate.  Id with recent picture. If you are parrent or have sole custody. you must have proof.  Like custody pappers. If child has medication you must have the perscription to discribe the contents of meds.  Dont forget tooth brush. Your employer must be told even if o/o customs have pree entry info that needs to have this info reported before crossing.  Have info on ice In case of emergency. blood type if you both get knocked out in an accident emergency technitions need info to know about alergys next of kin besides you. Who to contact in case.

  3. If you are working for a company then it would be up to them and I would say that the answer would be no.

    If you own the truck then you need to contact your insurance company and for safety reasons as well you will need proof of that child's identity as well as proof that you are the legal guardian.

  4. More like against your insurance law......most of the time insurance wont allow riders to contracted drivers, if you own your own tractor trailer it might be a different story.

  5. It's not against the law, however some insurance companies don't want a child under the age of 12 riding in the vehicle. Company driver needs to have it cleared through his/her employer.

    Owner/Operator: Needs to check with his/her insurance agent

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