
What are the laws around mopeds in England/the UK?

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Firstly, I'm 16 years old. If I were to go out and buy a moped (50cc scooter), what would I have to do before I could take it onto the roads legally? Also, is it permitted to used one on dual carriageways?

Any help is appreciated.




  1. You need to take CBT test.Yes,you can ride on dual carriageways,but your talking 35mph flat out,so it wouldn't be much fun.

  2. ive got a 50cc moped and to ride it you first have to take your CBT test, which costs around £100, very easy so you shouldnt have any trouble there, when youve passed that you obviously need your bike, get it insured and with MOT and then your ready to go. And you are allowed to ride them on dual carrageways, i have to go through two to get home from friends houses, you cant use them on motorways though.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi Ash

    You will have to get your provisional license, CBT, L plates and insurance to take it on the road. You can go on dual carriageways but not motorways and cannot have a pillion passenger on it.

    Happy scooting!

  4. You will need a provisional licence before anything.

    Then you will need to obtain a CBT certificate by doing a course.

    Then you will need to insure the scooter and stick L plates on it.

    You can then do the test when you are 17.

    You'll also be lucky to get past 30mph but you can go on dual carrideways.

  5. I think this is the site you'll find most useful!

    Safe riding!

  6. You would probably need to take CBT before you can ride it.

  7. You need to buy a provisional licence after completing a CBT test. You will also need third party insurance.

    Where you are allowed to ride will be signposted.  You are covered by the same rules as other motorcycles.


    Other Moped FAQ's

  8. you need to take a cbt test & you can drive anywhere apart from motorways but you have to have l plates

  9. You will need to get a provisional license;

    You would need to take compulsory basic training (CBT) .

    Further info here;

    You can ride on dual carriageways, but NOT on motorways.

  10. another hairdryer on the road

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