
What are the laws on step-father adoption in Texas?

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My husband wants to adopt my 4 yr old son. His biological father has had nothing to do with him since he was 1. He has never paid a dime in child support and only saw him about 5 times in that first year. I have recently learned that he has moved out of state and has made it clear to his soon to be ex-wife that he doesn't want to have anything to do with my son. I know I need a lawyer but what steps must I take to have his rights taken away?




  1. It will make your life a whole lot easier for you to have a lawyer draw up the papers, then have him sign them.  It takes less than an hour for most good investigators to find anybody.

  2. Your ex-husband needs to give up his rights. If the soon to be ex has his address, have it mailed to him by registered mail. He will return it, hopefully. Then your son is free to be adopted.

  3. Stage one is to get the natural father's rights relinquished or terminated. that is what the lawyer prepares. Failure to contribute to the child's support is evidence but in itself isn't enough to terminate the parental rights.

    The second step is the adoption.

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