
What are the laws regarding Penguin ownership ?

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What are the laws regarding Penguin ownership ?




  1. what a wonderful question, lol, i want a penguin too! im gonna google it, lol

  2. i own a penguin and no one has said anything about it.

  3. The law's a bit cold on that

  4. 1, Thou shalt not pass them off as Vertically challenged Nuns.

    2. Never eat one whose wrapper has been tampered with.

  5. You have to make sure it is road legal then get it registered. Once its registered....

  6. As long as you dont cover it in chocolate - just keep it wet - build a wee pool for it in the garden and throw it loads of fish..

  7. Possession is nine tenths of the law. Why, do you have one?  

  8. this should be black & white

  9. The owners licence for a penguin is cheaper (black&white)

  10. Why would you want to own one of batman's enemy's?  

  11. This is the best question I have ever seen on Yahoo Answers!

    Sadly (or perhaps not!) all penguins are protected wild species - you can't own one.

  12. not sure about the "laws", but if youre interested in some "quality" penguins, meet out back, i have some in my van...

    ill give u a good deal!!

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