
What are the laws regarding carrying knife in Ontario, Canada?

by Guest62833  |  earlier

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After the Grayhound incident, I am considering buying a pocket knife for protection. What are the laws and what kind of knife can I get?




  1. there is no law prohibiting the carrying of knives in general in Canada. Some places (like a courthouse or airplane) may have rules, but you can walk down the street with a good ole buck 110 on your belt or in your pocket and it's perfectly legal. You cannot conceal it if it is your intent to carry it as a weapon, but the vast vast majority of people don't carry them to stab folks. I use my knife every day (and did just minutes before logging on here). We have enough stupid laws, lets not make fake ones on top of it. All we need to do is deal with criminals. After that, there is no problem no matter what people are carrying.

  2. Well first of all, if you are caught with a weapon of any kind on the bus you can get in serious trouble. And the only kind of knife that you can actually carry is one that only has a blade not more than 3 inches long. If you get caught with it on  any kind of bus, plane, ect. you will get in trouble.

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