
What are the laws regarding recording with a camcorder on a public sidewalk?

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What are the laws regarding recording with a camcorder on a public sidewalk?




  1. As far as I know theres nothing Illegal about it.  I'm a PI and have done it numerous times in NYC without a hassle.

  2. It's allowed photojournalists do it all the time. I just hope you have a reasonable explanation for when your spouse sees you kissing her sister in the front window of the restaurant behind the reporter,lol.

  3. It's completely legal.

  4. It is legal there is  nothing wrong with it.  

  5. Just be careful of the angle, I've busted some perverts who were filming up some ladies skirts. When I approached them they started reciting their "rights" too. I would tell them about the complaint and make them show me their video. If they refuse, the camera is seized as evidence that will likely be destroyed. I got a search warrant and viola, another pervert gets a free trip to the County Jail. This goes for cameras too. Perverts with cell phone cameras that take digital movies are the most recent trend.

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