
What are the laws regarding to camping on beaches?

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I am planning a camping trip to llangennith beach in swansea and am wondering if there are any laws preventing you. I assume it depends if some one owns the beach?




  1. Basically there is normally some local council bye law that prevents you from doing it.

    Its worth giving the local council a ring just to check.

    You never know you might be pleasantly surprised.

    I see from this site that they ban dogs from beaches, I can't see that they would then allow you to camp.

  2. Basically, I don't think you can camp on a beach anywhere in the U.K.....local by-laws forbid it....and I guess it makes common sense too.....what if there was a freak high tide? What chance would you stand if you were asleep in your tent?

  3. make sure the tide doesn't come in. :O

    Answer my question, thanks:

  4. I don't think any local authority would allow camping ... because if they did the beaches would be covered with vagrants etc

    find yourself a camp site

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