
What are the layers of a lake?

by Guest67282  |  earlier

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I need to know as much info as possible on the three layers of a lake: the Epilimnion, the Metalimnion, and the Hypolimnion. And helpful information is great!!




  1. The upper layer, ‘The Epilimnion’, is characterized by warmer (less dense) and water is the zone of light penetration, where bulk of productivity or biological growth occurs.

    The next layer, ‘The Metalimnion’ or ‘Thermocline’, is a narrow band – colder than the upper and warmer than the lower waters – which helps to prevent mixing between the upper and lower layers.

    The (third) bottom layer, ‘The Hypolimnion’, has much colder water. Plant material either decays or sinks to the bottom and accumulates in the stagnant layer.

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