
What are the least photographed things?

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  1. Outhouses.

  2. Stools.

    And I'm not talking about the wooden kind.

  3. The top 10 least photographed things:

    10. Balls of dust.

    9. A quart of orange juice sitting on an automobile.

    8. Cactus thorns sticking out of Paris Hilton's butt

    7. Miley Cyrus giving fans the finger.

    6. Wharf rats posing at a rat wedding.

    5. The pieces from a Monopoly game.

    4. Space visitors.

    3. Many different kinds of lawnmowers.

    2. Used cat litter

    and the number one least photographed thing is....

    1. The inside of your chimney.

  4. toothbrushes, toe socks, slinkies, ugly people, scrambled eggs, water guns, stubs from movie tickets, and cauliflower.

  5. acts of kindness  

  6. Ummm... a piece of gum stuck underneath a chair???

  7. Photographers.

  8. things inside your nose

  9. y'know, i think bored hit it right on.

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