
What are the legal consequences for me taking the bank card although i didnt use it?

by  |  earlier

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I unfortunately tried to use a stolen bank card for gas. My employer saw me take the card from another co-worker and now I'm under investigation. Although i tried to use the card and it didn't work what are the consequences of my action besides termination. no money was taken let me stress that. I understand i knowingly tried to use it and still can get into some trouble but is it lessened by the fact that the act was not able to be followed thru? i just want to know the consequences i live in miami jails are over crowded




  1. It is the intention that is important - you intended to use it, which is wrong, the fact that it failed doesn't negate this.

  2. This would be attempted fraud. This would be a Federal Case as the bank and attempted gas purchase transaction would take place outside of florida as the Bank and Gas company are not in the same state.

  3. As far as the investigation, you have broken the law. You stole something, even if you weren't able to get the gas, you still possessed stolen property and tried to commit credit card fraud. I don't think it's going to make much of a difference if you actually got the funds or not. The bottom line: You stole something and tried to benefit from it. Not a good situation to be in. You will probably lose your job, because you have show Bad moral character and can't be trusted as far as your boss is concerned. If he turns you over to the police, you will more than likely face charges. The credit card company will probably take over the investigation and will be the ones to back the card holder in any legal action. I wish the best for you.

  4. Well even though you didn't use it, there's still the theft of it that will come into play.  So whatever minor theft offense there is, is most likely what you'll get.  Unless the person you took it from is feeling generous.  But your employer cannot charge you with it, only the person you took it from can.

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