
What are the legal punishments/actions for threats by text message?

by  |  earlier

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a "friend" recently went psycho on me and all of a sudden started talking sh*t about me and my brother, etc. and finally he sent me a text message that said

"you don't know me or my people play with fire bet you get burned"

and i know him and his friends think they are some mafia group and i know him--he can be destructive and violent so i personall took this as a threat to my well-being. but is this a REAL threat? like is this something i could go to police about? if so, what would the police do about the situation/to him?




  1. Just don't even text him or read his anymore.

  2. There isnt much you can do.

    Just yesterday a lady was receiving phone calls from an ex husband saying he was going to kill her and we didnt do anything..

    An officer cannot do anything untill he or she has commited PC or is going to

  3. A text message is the same as a written document or an email. It's even worse than a verbal threat, as there is indisputable evidence. You can just show the police and if necessary, they can even subpoena your phone company and his for proof of the texts.

    I'd go to the police or call a non-emergency phone number and ask them. Going in person would be better as face-to-face you can better assess their concern and they can see yours. They can file harassment charges at the least.

    As for the mafia threat...if they wanted to threaten you, I doubt it'd be in a text message. They might just do an act and then send you a text threat after the fact. I would think a real organized crime unit would pick an avenue a little less obvious.

  4. Probably nothing as it's not a clear threat - more open to interpretation but go down to the police station - hopefully they can at least talk to him

  5. Punishments are the same as if the threat was made in person.

    Call the police if you're worried.

  6. If he is in any type of mafia you are screwed.

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