
What are the legal results?

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If somebody were to prank call me 24/7 for 3 months, threatening harm, stalking me, and more, but be 15, and I called the police what would the legal results be for him? Would it just be a fine?




  1. Usually this would be treated as an ordinance violation.  If he is threatening bodily harm on you though, that would be a more serious offense, which can be a misdemeanor or felony depending on jurisdiction.  If he gets charged with that, then he'd probably be in juvenille detention for a while!

    if you can, record the conversation some way so you can have some hardcore evidence against him!

  2. In Illinois, it's called Harrassment by Telephone and it's a Class B misdemeanor. Its not very serious and the harrassment usually stops after a visit or a phone call from the police telling them to knock it off.

    If the offender is 15, it's still illegal and he can be charged as a juvenile. I've done it before. He'd have to go through juvenile court and everything. Maybe his parents can convince him to stop or you'll call the police.

  3. in some states this behavior has VERY serious penalties.

    You also may be able to sue his parents for civil damages.

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