
What are the legal steps to getting Concerta/Ritalin/etc for treating ADHD? And how much do they cost?

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I don't have a severe case of ADHD, but it is definitely recognizable and noticeable. I am just about to start my Junior year in high school I would like to be prescribed to Ritalin/concert or other stimulant pills so I don't s***w up the most important year of my life because i fall asleep during a test, or I act unacceptably impulsive in class, or just not be able to concentrate studying.

I've gone to see a doctor with my mom but all he did was "oh check this out" and wrote "Concerta" on a piece of post-it paper. And let us off. (DOT, DOT, DOT). Okay thanks for wasting my money right? -And he's my primary doctor. What can I do to be prescribed these pills? (I want to receive them legally for the right price). Do I need to go to another doctor? Should I give my doctor another call? What should I ask him? How long does this take? How much do the pills cost? My school starts in two weeks and I've barely started my Summer Assignments and I can't concentrate hard enough to get them finished in time!




  1. Wow, you're in junior high and already worried about ADHD? You should find yourself another family doctor who will take matters as seriously as you do.

  2. i'm so proud of you to see that you have this and want to get help for yourself. I would have your parents take you to another doctor and if that don't work go to another. Remember doctors are human to and they make mistakes just like us and we need to question them as we would question ourselves. Go somewhere where they can asses you and see if you do need on any meds or is there something else they can do for you. Good Luck God Bless

  3. Honestly you might not even have ADHD, studies have shown that people think they or their children have it because of their actions when really they are acting that way because they do not get enough sleep. And they may sleep for 8 hours but really they might have sleep apnea which causes someone to wake up multiple times during a night without even knowing it, causing them to be stressed and tired so they act out a certain way. Try sleeping longer hours, eat healthier and if your "mood" doesn't change and help then the only way is to get a prescription from a doctor for ritalin.

  4. adhd/add is a mental illness,go to your local mental health center,impulsive,attention span,inattentiveness, fidgeting are the symptoms of adhd/add,when you go to the doctor/therapist/Psychiatric they use a chart where your mood is from 1/10, 10 be the best mood,if you give him a 6 or lower,you won't get a stimulant like ritalin/concerta has a side effect of headaches,they'll give you a depression med,or the new 1 vyvanse with no headache,give him a higher  # and you'll get a stimulant .if your family is low-income,go to your local mental health center you might qualify for p.p.a( partnership prescription assistance) payed by your local drug taskforce that control  control substance.and free therapist services if you've been in that county for some time all of your life.

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