I don't have a severe case of ADHD, but it is definitely recognizable and noticeable. I am just about to start my Junior year in high school I would like to be prescribed to Ritalin/concert or other stimulant pills so I don't s***w up the most important year of my life because i fall asleep during a test, or I act unacceptably impulsive in class, or just not be able to concentrate studying.
I've gone to see a doctor with my mom but all he did was "oh check this out" and wrote "Concerta" on a piece of post-it paper. And let us off. (DOT, DOT, DOT). Okay thanks for wasting my money right? -And he's my primary doctor. What can I do to be prescribed these pills? (I want to receive them legally for the right price). Do I need to go to another doctor? Should I give my doctor another call? What should I ask him? How long does this take? How much do the pills cost? My school starts in two weeks and I've barely started my Summer Assignments and I can't concentrate hard enough to get them finished in time!