
What are the limitations of PRK surgery incase of snag on retina ?

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I need to have PRK surgery to improve my vision but my left eye retina has red spot on it and the surgery center advised me not to do any surgery on it to avoid any extra pressure on retina (tear)

My quistion is if there is any new surgery tools to do that .

thank,s in advance .




  1. I don't know what kind of "red spot" on the retina would be at risk during PRK.  I know of no portion of the surgical procedure that increases the pressure inside of the eye.  There would be a pressure increase during LASIK but again cannot think of any "red spots" that would be of increased risk of changing due to the pressure.  Perhaps the physical distortion of the eye that occurs when applying one of the instruments of LASIK could cause stretching of certain parts of the retina, but not so with PRK.

    I wonder if you have accurately remembered what the surgeon said.

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