
What are the limitations of Telekinesis????

by Guest59815  |  earlier

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I would prefer a telekinetic answer this question please!!<3




  1. First of all, f@#k all you pricks who claim that telekinesis doesn&#039;t exist, you&#039;re just jealous that you don&#039;t have the gift.

    Now, it is important to note that the limit to a telekinetic&#039;s powers varies on a person to person basis (some telekinetics have a stronger, more refined ability than others), but there are a few ground rules that are universal in the world of telekinesis:

    Rule 1: A telekinetic can only move matter that they are viewing at that very moment (you can&#039;t move something that you&#039;re not looking at via mental recollection).

    Rule 2: Telekinetics can only use mental power to speed up naturally occurring vibrations of atoms in solids, liquids, and gasses to generate enough heat to bring something combustible to the point of ignition (we can not spontaneously make fire our of nothing).

    Also, from my personal experience, the powers of telekinesis must fall into one of the following categories:

    Movement of matter; Object deformation (metal softening and bending); Influencing events; Phasing through matter; Teleportation; Biological healing; Transmutation of matter; Energy shield (force field); Shape-shifting; Control of magnetism; Control of photons (light waves/particles).

    As a proven and practicing telekinetic, I hope that my knowledge and experience with this wonderful gift can be of assistance to you!

  2. First I will state that I do not have such powers nor have I seen anyone who does, but I do believe it is possible for someone to have such a power. In which case I see no limitations. I have seen many hatefully deny such powers exist with rude opinions which helps no one. True no one has came forward that can prove such a thing and those that have tried to exploit it by trickery have of coursed failed, but that only proves that greed brings out the worse in people. I firmly believe anyone who has such a power needs not exploit themselves for personal gain that the power itself places them above the need to prove themselves. They would know that by exposing themselves will only open up problems that would and could do them harm. They would be aware that by allowing their ability to become public would place them in the worlds eye to be poked and probed and asked to perform. Then knowing that it is human nature to destroy that which we do not understand nor could not control. No I know if I had such powers I would never allow the world to know.

  3. First of all telekinesis is impossible.

    A person can not move an object with one&#039;s mind.

    Tthe closes think to telekinetics are the natural forces in nature which include the strong force, the weak force, gravity, magnetism, etc.

  4. The limit of doing the proffessional telekinetic illusion is dragging a maximum load of a silver US dollar. Most things lighter than a US Quarter can be made to float in the air. Also, the standard illusion needs to be done indoors, as sunlight ruins the illusion. This is the trick that real telekinetics use.

    However, if you think that telekinesis is more than an illusion, then the limitations are that it will never work for you. All the tv shows, books and performers who do telekinetic tricks use a pretty standard illusion.

  5. the limitation:

    -energy consuming, sometimes telekinetic powers drain energy. esp when lifting heavy objects and moving distant objects (although moving distant objects is psychokinesist&#039;s specialty). super strength&#039;s source is muscle, while telekinesis is brain. focusing on certain objects can cause mental and mind stress and therefore you body is also affected. have you ever been so stressful that you cant even move your butt?

    -time consuming, unlike super strength or other powers, you need lil time to execute the power, you need to concentrate on object you want to animate. the further or the heavier the object you want to move, the more time you need.

    -unreliability, when it comes to telekinesis, you cant avoid being involved with your mind. If something happens to your life that affects your mind, sometimes it&#039;s really hard to focus and concentrate. Not only is telekinesis related to your mind, it&#039;s also related to your emotion. Experiencing emotional shocks and problem can temporarily decrease the power&#039;s reliability.

    the good things about it:

    -you can move anything you can think of.unlike, for example plantokinesis, hydrokinesis, cryokines, or pyrokinesis enable you to move certain objects. plantokinesis allows you to control plants, cryokinesis-ice, hydrokinesis-water, pyrokinesis-fire. with telekinesis you can move anything.

    -great distance. you can move far objects or attack enemies from distance. this, however, requires great capability of controling your mind and emotion. with telekinesis, you can be untouchable, cause you can throw anyone or any objects before they stand in front of you.

    -flexibility. there are only few powers with great flexibility. i am talking about offense and defense. with telekinesis, you can be both offensive and defensive. Offensive, because you can attack your enemies by sending them fly or throwing objects at them. Defensive, because you can provide telekinetic shield within specific radius. you can freeze or stop object, like bullets or projectiles just befor they hit you.

  6. Since there IS no such thing as a telekinetic, I hope you don&#039;t mind my answering.  Millions of trials in hundreds of scientific tests over the last 40 years have collectively produced no indication of the presence of psi powers, ESP, or PK.  Any subject who may have had a slightly successful run has come right back and had an equally unsuccessful one--as the odds would predict.  

       This monumental failure is quite consistent with what we know about physical laws.  Anyone who understands them would have predicted this failure many years ago.  More tests will be conducted, though, somewhere, and they will fail again.

       Once in a rare while there have been striking results, (usually in ESP tests), but upon examination, bad experimental design and in some cases outright fraud were to blame for the observed data.  And when I say bad, I&#039;m not speaking in some esoteric terms that you would need a PhD to understand.  I mean outrageously bad, like a sixth grader would laugh at.  Apparently when testing &quot;the unknown,&quot; accepted standards and rigor go out the window.

       Oh, now to answer your question.  The limit of telekinesis is physical law.  It&#039;s impossible, no matter how democratic one may consider truth to be.

    Julie, do you suppose six million Jews died in concentration camps because COLLECTIVELY they weren&#039;t motivated enough to get the n***s to leave them alone?  Or maybe they just didn&#039;t have enough faith.

    Ram rod, nasty language notwithstanding, if you could demonstrate that ability, you would be an instant news darling.  Then you would qualify for the million dollars that JREF offers for a simple demonstration under conditions that prevent cheating.  But we all know that Superminds and Miracle Workers aren&#039;t EVER interested in money.

  7. I believe the real limitation is based on your faith.  If you think you can influence a leaf to fall to the ground, you can.  The same way, if you believe you can win the lottery you will.

    Just keep in mind it&#039;s harder to be really faithful in something as unlikely as winning the jackpot.

    I&#039;ve made a web site on the subject to practise with online games.  The site is: .

  8. First off, how would you know if they were telekinetic, are you telepathic?

    Secondly, a huge limitation is the fact that it doesn&#039;t exist.  

    That could be a problem.

  9. As others have rightly pointed out, a significant limitation of telekinesis is that apart from some dubious claims rejected by the scientific community (described below), telekinesis has never been demonstrated or observed. Many people have tried, and many people have claimed the ability, but all demonstrations have utterly failed. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we&#039;d know it. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. The attempt to justify why a telekinetic person would never come forward by weaving fanciful stories of woe, as some paranormal apologists are wont to do, is just self-serving make-believe which defies well known human nature. The plain fact that telekinetic claims are being made all the time by people who actually think that have the power, even here on Yahoo in reply to this question, completely contradicts the vain attempts at excuses by the paranormal apologists. Of course, such claims are never supported by actual evidence.

    As a side note, there was a research group at Princeton for about 25 years which worked on telekinesis. The group, after working so hard and so long, refused to consider that their work was wasted, but outside objective analysis showed that their work was indeed a flop. There are a number of fatal statistical flaws in their experimental analysis that can be easily identified (see link and others).

    (Note: Some people are threatened by rationality and reason, hence the thumbs down. Keep &#039;em coming, I love &#039;em. I wear them like a badge of honor.)

  10. No worries.   I&#039;ve written the answer on a piece of paper and am sending it to you telekinetically.  Let me know when you get it.


    Actually, why don&#039;t postal services around the world use this method?  Wouldn&#039;t it be cheaper than hiring aeroplanes and employing postmen?


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