
What are the limitations to the endangered species Act?

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This is about all the limitations that are involved in the ACT




  1. It has only a limited amount of enforcement built into it.

  2. Read the act yourself by copying and pasting the URL below into your web browser.

  3. Organisms are determined to be endangered but, for most species (especially insects and plants) protection is not enforced in any way. Also the Act does not provide funding for conservation. Funding is determined separately and is a major issue in the survival of a species.

  4. Your question is not specific enough. Are you talking about the american version? The Canadian version, or a provincial verson??? Each Act covers different species and has varying enforcement capablities and punishible capablities. Best thing to do is pick the Act that your speaking about and read the roles and authorities section, what the act acutally covers this will give you the best answer as by not being specific in which act your speaking about I cannot give you a more detailed answer

    hope this helps

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