
What are the lines on a forehead means?

by  |  earlier

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i heard it meant you stress a lot and i really want to get rid of it. Any ways a can get rid of these lines on my forehead?




  1. botox injections.

    Or retin-a cream, but that will take much longer.

    Try not to raise your eyebrows too much.

  2. They are just lines that crease when you are young and then older you get the more indented they become.

  3. Botox!

  4. It's just likewhen you are surprised or something and you raise your eyebrows, the fat, if there is any crinkles up so it makes room for your eyebrows, its nothing like stress, unless you raise your eyebrows when your stressed of course   :P    :)    :)

    Oh and about getting rid of them, well first of all why would you want to do that in the first place?    but you could use a mosterizer for anti- aging cream, they tend to get rid of wrinkles. (for women)

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