
What are the listing requirements of .....?

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what are the listing requirements of NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE(NYSE) vs. AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE (AMEX)?




  1. 1. Nu York: kumpanee gotta hav 1 milyun+ publik shares werth

    100+ milyun $ & gotta hav profit > 10 milyun $.

    2. I thank I herd sumweer Nu york xchaenj bot out the Amerikan.

    Smaller stoks on Amerikan xchaenj.  Me dont no min size.

  2. For the NYSE

    For the AMEX

    As well as the requirements specified in the links provided, there are certain corporate governance requirements. For example, requirements at the NYSE require that a company must

    1. Establish an independent audit committee that has specified responsibilities;

    2. Provide prompt certification by its chief executive officer of any material non-compliance with any corporate governance rules;

    3. Provide periodic written affirmations to the NYSE with respect to its corporate governance practices; and

    4. Provide a brief description of significant differences between its corporate governance practices and those followed by U.S. companies.

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