
What are the little ways you are going green to save our planet?

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What are the little ways you are going green to save our planet?




  1. granny, i have given up washing.

    (sorry, joking...)

    most of the above, and i have shares in a community owned wind farm, to cover my and my parents electricity use.

  2. I compost my waste, I recycle, I don't have plastic bags for my shopping, I turn off lights when I don't need them, I have turned down my wash to a 30 and I walk where ever possible.  I am not a fanatic about being green, as these are just the things that I have always done.

  3. I go around the kitchen at work, Im in a restraunt, and turn off all of the facets, as the guys often let them drip.

    I also am watering less, and doing larger loads of laundry during non-peak hours, when possible. I dont use a lot of lights, and now turn off the porch light at night, when I go to bed.

  4. I turn my washing machine to 30 degrees and am considering converting my car to LPG....  Not sure of the cost though.

  5. About 2 years ago, I treated myself to a smart leather airline carry on style bag. Since then I have never used a supermarket plastic bag. I have saved hundreds.

  6. I have a compost in my garden and a wormery.

    I am a completely organic gardener and do this for a living therefore all my customers are organic too.

    All my lightbulbs are energy efficient.

    My white appliances are 'A' where possible and I do not own a dishwasher.

    We recycle everything.

    I am a member of Freecycle.

    Our family owns just the one car which is diesel and we are looking into converting it to biofuel.

    We all have bicycles and use them.

    I shop locally.

    We keep the temperature in our house as low as possible and put an extra jumper on if it gets cold.

    We have an instant hot water system so no wasteful tank

    Our house has double glazing on all doors and windows.

    Our loft is thickly insulated.

    I could probably add more but I am bored now!!!!!!!

  7. Recycling, composting, low emissions car, not using plastic carrier bags

  8. Have an energy efficient boiler

    When we are replacing the white goods in the kitchen we go for  a A rated product

    All the clothes my two kids grow out of go to the charity shop or passed on to younger cousins ,any furniture we don't need or has been replaced gets passed round the families

    Recycle all the packaging that comes with food and clothing

    Trying to grow our own fruit and veg unsuccessfully just now but hoping to get better

    turn off all electrical at source also switching off all lights

    Unfortunately i can not do much about the huge loads of washing i do each day but by doing all of the above I'm hoping that my family is doing their bit to saving the planet

  9. puk3uk, you should be ashamed if you go out and shoot birds...these creatures have more right to this planet than you do. How would you like shooting as you seem to think that only you should be here on this Earth. They were here before you, ignorant man....and shooting them will not save the Planet, but perhaps getting rid of you might do the trick.

  10. All the things mentioned above are good to do in their own right, because we must use our resources wisely and clean up after ourselves, but with the population doubling roughly every 50 years, we don't have a hope of reducing our effect on the environment, if all these people are to be housed, fed and clothed, provided with water, power, transport and employment. We are on track for an extra 1 billion people for just this first decade of 21st century. It just doesn't add up

  11. 1st - Reduce. fresh produce w/o wrappings, pay bills by e-mail and stop all catalogs, electricity, etc...

    2nd - Reuse.

    ie.. water, paper products, use plastic refrigerator containers, etc...

    3rd - then recycle

  12. I use a washball. They are really good for everyday washing tasks and they save you money, too!

    I also use vinegar and baking soda for cleaning and I'm just getting going on borax.

    I've stopped using most chemical cleaners - the artificial fragrances are bad for the environment and for us, and you really don't need them. Many of the natural cleaners are as good or better than most commercial products - and they are lots cheaper.

  13. Try to recycle everything - plastics/paper/household waste etc.

    Walk or cycle to work/shops/pub

    Turn lights off when not using

    Doubled house insulation

    Use low energy lightbulbs

    Grow own veg and fruit

    shoot animals and birds for meat

    reuse rainwater

  14. here are some ideas

  15. I do my best to do all of the above, but I do feel that it is all futile, for every little I do I know that somewhere in the world something is being done that will wipe out my effort a 100 fold.


  16. 1]never gonna wear carbon shoes so i don't leave a carbon footprint.

    2] eat more beef to cut down on cow farts eating through the ozone layer.

    3] throw unused ice cubes into the sea and hope that they float up to the north pole for the polar bears to live on

    4] put helium in the car tyres to make the car more economical to run, [also makes speedbumps fun to drive over]

  17. I am a Recycling Education Coordinator and I got to elementy schools to give programs for them.

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