
What are the long term effects of deforestation of life in south asia?

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deforestation of south asia




  1. Wow that last answer was so complete and interesting. I would just like to add that the earth in a place like that dies in a sense. What I mean is that the trees provide oxygen and also the leaves provide shelter. Also the continuation of soil depends on the disintegration of leaves and tree matter. The replacement of the trees may be minor vegetation. Deforestation also will increase the heat to the soil. The climate could eventually change due to there being less moisture. This will contribute to overall climate change for the rest of the earth.

  2. Well, first of all,  you have the habitat pollution. Whether it's South Asia or somewhere else, deforestation means removing a vast amount of trees, leaving several acres of land empty.  The local animals that depend on the forests and trees to survive will be affected. Some may become extinct or heavily endangered due to their dependance on trees, others however, will be indirectly affected as it is not only just the tree and the animals that live and feed on the tree, but also the animals that hunt and eat the animals that live and feed on the tree. This will definetly cause a lot of environmental pollution.

    Deforestation will also make the soil in the ground less solid as it is the roots of trees that bind soil together and make it become solid. When all those trees are gone, the soil is sure to be loose. When rain comes, landslides may occur, resulting in accidents and road blockage.

    Deforestation will also contribute to the greenhouse effect, as with less trees to carry out photosynthesis, more carbon dioxide cannot be converted into oxygen. With all that carbon dioxide, and all the trees gone, the greenhouse effect will be strengthened and thus the atmosphere will also be affected.

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