
What are the loops at the top of most car bras for?

by  |  earlier

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There are usually two wide but short loops towards the top of a car bra. Are they used for anything or just decoration?




  1. What are you on!  Car Bras. I'm sorry but I don't think english is your first language?

  2. I'm thinking you mean the little air catchers that use air pressure to keep the bra pushed onto the bonnet and so stops flapping and damage to the car.

  3. It's to keep them 'planted' so they don't flap in the wind and they also serve as a bug shield. The air flows up over them so bugs get blown upwards as well and go over the car instead of into the windshield.

    BSMGUY that's funny. Do you live in a cave because car bras have been around since the '80's!

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