
What are the low about two foot high plastic fences they put up along motorways and bypasses?

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they are to low to stop animals and not strong enough to stop land slideThey are only see through plastic




  1. Animals pretty well ignore fences high or low. A lot of plastic fences are put up for erosion control and to cut down on things blowing across the road. In Idaho, as an example,  there are lots of tumbleweeds and while they won't damage your vehicle for the most part, people make sudden avoidance moves and then get in trouble when going 70 down the highway.

  2. Yes they are to protect local wildlife from the works.

    Species include voles, newts, snakes all of which are protected.

  3. As Mike said, they are to stop small animals like roe deer

    and rabbits from getting onto the road and getting squished.

  4. I heard they are to protect wildlife

    The small animals like field mice and voles

    I was told this a couple of years ago by a motorway contractor

    hope this clears it up

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