
What are the main achievements of Israel?

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I hear a lot about Israel being very advanced, but Its hard to find anything they have done. What have they created, developed, discovered etc? This can be in any field: Science, Economics, Agriculture, Hi-tech, Economics etc?




  1. Israel's main Achievement is its Ethnic cleaning! and its replica of the the south African segregation! Its also achieved lying to the UN about its injustice to the Arab inhabitants! hope I answered ur ?!

  2. The main achievement of Israel is to keep colonizing Palestine. Israel is the last colony in the world.

  3. The Jews made me, a proud former Jew, to wanna become a Christian Catholic.

    I don't love blood on my hands.

    I want cash in the bank.

    Hey, I am not one of these fanatics here that believe everything our corrupted politicians speak.

    I may immigrate to Solomon islands or get lost somewhere in the Carribean islands I dunno, but I'll be far away when this thing blows up.

    I warn you my fellow Israelis, hit the road before it's too late.

    No one likes our faces no more.

    The sheet is ready to hit the fan and I don't want to spoil my new Armani suit, compris?

  4. main achievement of Israel - killing innocent Palestinians

  5. I LOVE ISRAEL, and am amazed that how despite all the problems and wars it has HAD to face from aggressors, it has managed to have such a well balanced and successful society that not only honest with themselves and try and better themselves, but also contribute to the world in many different fields.Israel, the 100th smallest country, with less than 1/1000th of the world's population, can lay claim to the following:

    Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world.

    Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people - as well as one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed.

    In proportion to its population, Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. In absolute terms, Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the US (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech).

    Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds right behind the US.

    Outside the United States and Canada, Israel has the largest number of NASDAQ listed companies.

    Israel has the highest average living standards in the Middle East. The per capita income in 2000 was over $17,500, exceeding that of the UK.

    With an aerial arsenal of over 250 F-16s, Israel has the largest fleet of the aircraft outside of the US.

    Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined.

    On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech start-ups.

    Twenty-four percent of Israel's workforce holds university degrees - ranking third in the industrialized world, after the United States and Holland - and 12 percent hold advanced degrees.

    Israel is the only liberal democracy in the Middle East.

    In 1984 and 1991, Israel airlifted a total of 22,000 Ethiopian Jews at risk in Ethiopia to safety in Israel.

    When Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969, she became the world's second elected female leader in modern times.

    When the U. S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya was bombed in 1998, Israeli rescue teams were on the scene within a day - and saved three victims from the rubble.

    Israel has the third highest rate of entrepreneurship - and the highest rate among women and among people over 55 - in the world.

    Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrant-absorbing nation on earth. Immigrants come in search of democracy, religious freedom, and economic opportunity.

    Israel was the first nation in the world to adopt the Kimberly process, an international standard that certifies diamonds as "conflict free."

    According to industry officials, Israel designed the airline industry's most impenetrable flight security. U. S. officials now look to Israel for advice on how to handle airborne security threats.

    In 1991, during the Gulf War, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra played a concert wearing gas masks as scud missiles fired by Saddam Hussein fell on Tel Aviv.

    Israel has the world's second highest per capita of new books.

    Israel is the only country in the world that entered the 21st century with a net gain in its number of trees, made more remarkable because this was achieved in an area considered mainly desert.

    Israel has more museums per capita than any other country.

    Medicine... Israeli scientists developed the first fully computerized,no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.

    An Israeli company developed a computerized system for ensuring proper

    administration of medications, thus removing human error from medical treatment. Every year in U. S. hospitals 7,000 patients die from treatment mistakes.

    Israel's Givun imaging developed the first ingestible video camera, so small it fits inside a pill. Used to view the small intestine from the inside, the camera helps doctors diagnose cancer and digestive disorders.

    Researchers in Israel developed a new device that directly helps the heart pump blood, an innovation with the potential to save lives among those with heart failure. The new device is synchronized with the heart's mechanical operations through a sophisticated system of sensors.

    Technology... With more than 3,000 high-tech companies and start-ups, Israel has the highest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world (apart from the Silicon Valley).

    In response to serious water shortages, Israeli engineers and agriculturalists developed a revolutionary drip irrigation system to minimize the amount of water used to grow crops.

    Israel has the highest percentage in the world of home computers per capita.

    Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians in the workforce, with 145 per 10,000, as opposed to 85 in the U. S., over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. With over 25% of its work force employed in technical professions. Israel places first in this category as well.

    The cell phone was developed in Israel by Motorola, which has its largest development center in Israel.

    Most of the Windows NT operating system was developed by Microsoft-Israel.

    The Pentium MMX Chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel.

    Voice mail technology was developed in Israel.

    Both Microsoft and Cisco built their only R&D facilities outside the US in Israel.

    The AOL Instant Messenger was developed in 1996 by four young Israelis.

    A new acne treatment developed in Israel, the ClearLight device,produces a high-intensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct - all without damaging surroundings skin or tissue.

    An Israeli company was the first to develop and install a large-scale solar-powered and fully functional electricity generating plant, in southern California's Mojave desert."

    All the above while engaged in regular wars with an implacable enemy that seeks its destruction, and an economy continuously under strain by having to spend more per capita on its own protection than any other country on earth. This from a country just 60 years young having started off life on a very frontiers-like basis, whose population had mostly just emerged from the devastating World War II years.

    I just hope one day that it is allowed to live in peace because that is all Israel has ever wanted.

  6. Becoming Independent!!!

  7. I agree with Shay P. The list is long and distinguished.

    Shyster's answers, plural, are interesting. He complains about two people with the same IP when he obviously is using two names to say the same thing. Also, it is absolutly impossible for anyone other than a moderator to know another member's IP address. It can not be done in any way shape or form, except from the Yahoo server. I'm not so sure it can even be done then.

    If it really is possible, post my IP address here. Even the first segment of it would greatly impress me. It can not be done.

  8. There are like billions of great azhievements of Israel...

    Hi-techs, Economics, Sciences, and everything

    Israel is so amazing!!!

    Israel is a wonderful country!!!

    Today's news for another Israel's achievement:


    ECB chief: Israel's economy most successful in the world


    Market triumphs odds, marks 5.4% growth in first quarter. European Central Bank head 'amazed by Israeli market's performance,' says local market in best position to profit from globalization while avoiding pitfalls of credit crisis

    The Israeli market noted a surprising 5.4% growth in the first quarter of 2008, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) reported Monday.

    The growth, though lower than the one noted in 2007's third and forth quarters, exceeded expectations, especially when considering the various recession warnings heard around the world and in Israel since the beginning of the year.

    CBS data indicated that Israeli exports have gone up 12% and that goods and services imports rose by 18.7%, gross domestic product added 5.4% and gross industrial product added 6.1%.

    sraeli lifestyle expenditures continued to rise in the first quarter as well, as private consumption increased by 14.1%. Housing industrial and transport investments all added some 9.6%, and goods and services exports have gone up by 23.6%.

    Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel, is believed to announce interest rates will go up by only 0.25%, in order to maintain dollar rates from slipping back to the NIS 3.20 margin. Fischer is also expected to decrease interest rates over the next two months, aiming for a 4% interest rate by August.

    Meanwhile, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, told Yedioth Ahronoth he believes the Israeli economy is the most successful one in the world today: "I'm amazed by the performance of the Israeli economy," he said

    Trichet, considered Europe's most influential financial figure, said he believes the Israeli market is "in the best possible position to reap the fruits of globalization and not be affected by the sub-prime crisis."

    Positive as he sounds, Trichet refused to sign off on the widespread belief that the worst is over: "We see world markets internalizing the changes and reconfiguring assessments… This is a long process that still has some ways to go."


    Cant wait to finish my conversion to Judaism...

    Proudly to be Tongan Jew !

    Long Live Israel and Tonga and Samoa!

  9. For just the first half of 2007

    Israel 's achievements in the first months of 2007

    Despite the second Lebanon war, the divestments, and the boycotts,Israel's

    economy enjoyed the largest growth in its GNP of any Western country at 8%

    for the last quarter of 2006. Foreign investment hit a remarkable high of

    over US$13 billion and the budget deficit was under  1%. Industrial exports,

    excluding diamonds, rose 11% to $29.3 billion in 2006 with the hi-tech

    sector leading the surge, according to the Manufacturers Association of

    Israel . Israel 's hi-tech industry exported $14.1 billion in goods last

    year, growing 20% from 2005.

    What follows is a selection of Israel 's achievements in the first month of


    1. Scientists in Israel found that the brackish water drilled from

    underground desert aquifers hundreds of feet deep could be used to raise

    warm-water fish. The geothermal water, less than one-tenth as saline as  sea

    water, free of pollutants, and a toasty 98 degrees on average, proves an

    ideal environment.

    2. Israeli-developed designer eyeglasses promise mobile phone and iPod users

    a personalized, high-tech video display. Available to US consumers next

    year, Lumus-Optical's lightweight and fashionable video eyeglasses feature a

    large transparent screen floating in front of the viewer's face that

    projects their choice of movie, TV show, or video game.

    3. When Stephen Hawkings visited Israel  recently, he shared his wisdom

    with scientists, students, and even the prime minister. But the world's most

    renown victim of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou  Gehrig's

    disease, also learned something - due to the Israeli Association for ALS'

    advanced work in both embryonic and adult stem cell research, as well as its

    proven track record with neurodegenerative  diseases, the Israeli research

    community is well on its way to finding a treatment for this fatal disease

    which affects 30,000 Americans.

    4. Israeli start-up Veterix has developed an inno vative new electronic

    capsule that sits in the stomach of a cow, sheep, or goat, sending out

    real-time information on the health of the herd to the farmer via email or

    cellphone. The e-capsule, which also sends out alerts if animals are

    distressed, injured, or lost, is now being tested on a herd of cows in  the

    hopes that the device will lead to tastier and healthier meat and milk


    5. The millions of Skype users worldwide will soon have access to the newly

    developed KishKish lie-detector. This free Internet service, based on voice

    stress analysis (a technique commonly used in criminal investigations), will

    be able to measure just how truthful that person  on the other end of the

    line really is.

    6. Beating cardiac tissue has been created in a lab from human embryonic

    stem cells by researchers at the Rappaport Medical Faculty and the

    Technion-Israel Institute of Technology's biomedical engineering faculty.

    The work of Dr. Shulamit Levenberg and Prof. Lior Gepstein has also led to

    the creation of tiny blood vessels within the tissue, making possible its

    implantation in a human heart.

    7. Israel's Magal Security Systems is a worldwide leader in computerized

    security systems with products used in more than 70 countries around the

    world protecting anything from national borders to nuclear facilities,

    refineries, and airports. The company's latest product, DreamBox, a

    state-of-the-art security system that includes intelligent video, audio and

    sensor management, is now being used by a major water authority on the US

    East Coast to safeguard the utility's sites.

    8. It's common knowledge that dogs have better night vision than humans and

    a vastly superior sense of smell and hearing. Israel 's Bio-Sense

    Technologies recently delved further and electronically analyzed 350

    different barks. Finding that dogs of all breeds and sizes bark the same

    alarm when they sense a threat, the firm has designed the dog bark-reader, a

    sensor that can pick up a dog's alarm bark and alert the  human operators.

    This is just one of a batch of innovative security  systems to emerge from

    Israel , which Forbes calls "the go-to country anti-terrorism technologies."

    9. Israeli company BioControl Medical sold its first electrical stimulator

    to treat urinary incontinence to a US company for $50 million. Now it is

    working on CardioFit, which uses electrical nerve stimulation to treat

    congestive heart failure. With nearly five million Americans presently

    affected by heart failure and more than 400,000 new cases diagnosed yearly,

    the CardioFit is already generating a great deal of excitement as the first

    device with the potential to halt this deadly disease.

    10. One year after Norway 's Socialist Left Party launched its boycott

    Israel , the importing of Israeli goods has increased by 15%, the  strongest

    increase in many years, Statistics Norway reports.

    In contrast to the efforts of tiny Israel to make contributions to the world

    so as to better mankind, one has to ask what have those who have  strived to

    eliminate Israel from the face of the earth done other than to create hate

    and bloodshed.

  10. Hey stop it there "Joshua"

    You and UltraN share the same IP address, shame on you, cheating on Yahoo Answers.

    That's why I want to take of that Jew stain offa me.

    The other dude even proved that even Einstein's theory was a hoax and he cheated off Pythagorean.

    All of that stuff made me sick & tired being a Jew.

    Hopefully next month the Catholic Church will accept under her wings a new child. ME! yeah!!


    Israel Chai!

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