
What are the main bodies of the United Nations?

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What are the main bodies of the United Nations?




  1. It depends on how you define the "United Nations."

    There is the Security Council (which can pass binding resolutions, and the US, among the other permanent members, can veto ANY action asked for by other members), the General Assembly (mostly just a discussion forum; it cannot pass binding resolutions), the Economic and Social Council (EcoSoc), the Trusteeship Council (which doesn't have much to do anymore), the International Court of Justice and the Secretariat.

    But there's also the "Specialized Agencies" which, while part of the UN system, are separate, autonomous intergovernmental organizations (UNESCO, UNDP, UNIFEM, UNICEF, etc.).

    The UN is NOT an independent, homogeneous organization; it is made up of different bodies, and actions by these UN entities are directed by the will of UN Member States, who can choose, or choose not, to fund or carry them out. The UN is, for the most part, just a forum for discussion -- only the Security Council has any real power.

  2. General Assembly, Trusteeship Council, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, International Court of Justice, and Secretariat. These are the bodies of the UN.

    Also note: UN = bad. World government is impossible to achieve and should not even be attempted, it's the UN's agenda to become a world government. World government = bad.

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