
What are the main causes of car crashes?

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What are the main causes of car crashes?




  1. drinking and driving

    speed almost always a factor.

    distractions-kids, radio, etc.


  2. people hitting objects 100% of the time

    and most car crashes that hit objects are from avoiding something else with in attention at the wheel.

    alchohol/weed, anger, ice, car pile ups, soft shoulders, early rain raising the oil with sand on the road coming to a stop, failure to focus and bad driving judgment.

    and some chicken soup for the soul; lol have fun=

    teach all the truth especially the young=

    Provers 6:22 train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it.

    we can turn our back on Jesus, after this, yet he will never turn from us, and will lovingly correct us till we return to his love.

    yet I Corinthians 6:9-13 says to the unbeliever and adulterers too

    "Such WERE some of you, but you have been cleansed by THE BLOOD OF JESUS."

    The Bible's teachings of Jesus unconditional love and care.

    Isaiah 9:6 the promised Messiah to be born mighty God =

    "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, he shall be mighty God, the prince of peace." Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6

    Yes Jesus loves you and every one unconditionally, there is a God that cares.

    thank Jesus that he loves us unconditionally and has a better way;

    How i came to Jesus was to understand his love and his words to let him into my heart's door, to forgive my sins and be my friend.

    Jesus speaking from heaven declares

    "I love you and ask you to repent quickly of sin. Behold I knock on your heart's door ask me in, and i will be your friend." Revelation1:1 chapter 1 verse 1 & 3:19 &20

    so I prayed; "Help me Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, come into my heart and be my friend, amen."

    and it happened Jesus is my Messiah and God as promised and my best friend.

    in Jesus amazing grace John 3 &10 repented of even 1 lie and all sins, and asked Jesus in to our heart to be our friend, amen It means born again and having the more abundant life, happy in Jesus joy. :)

    have a great week, David

    and Romans 1:16 not ashamed to share the gospel to the Jew first and then to all people

    Romans 9-11 the gentile is grafted in for their salvation, and to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy by their love of the Messiah Jesus and joy and inner peace as they share with them.

    Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is a key the promised coming and death of Jesus the Messiah for our sins.

    praying for you and please pray for me too, thanks and safe driving to you too

  3. driver inattention

  4. The main causes for car accidents are reckless and negligent driving and alcohol. Teenagers, according to the statistics, cause most car accidents Inexperience coupled with irresponsible behavior and a lack of respect for the safety precautions are the main causes for such a high number of teenage car accidents.

    Another reason is the inattentiveness of the driver. Many people talk while driving, which might prove to be fatal because it distracts the driver from the road. Even though hands free mobile phones are the latest craze, the driver would be unable to concentrate on the road while on the phone. The best option would be to park and then take the call, or not take the call at all while driving.

  5. people taking a chance.. can i go through this red light and not get hit......... following to closely  talking on thecell phone argueing with girl friend... old age incapable of making decisions..

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