
What are the main causes of international tensions?

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  1. Cultural differences and tensions.... It stems from our beliefs system.. if we all believe in the same god, government vision,or rights... we wouldn't have international tensions... Forcing others to comply to regulations and rules and  sanction builds animosity amongst groups, because both parties feel their perspective is correct... causing more tension


  3. Two reasons...

    Cultural (ie. Religion) or Economic (ie. Oil, Land).

  4. Lack of espect for boundaries, each other's properties, beliefs and rules etc. Equate that to what causes neigbor tension, same thing. Once we stop attacking each other for these differences and accept them and see it in the other person's shoes, will we have less of these tensions. Unless it's something that is just outright morally wrong of course.

    Big example, I used to deal w/some1 who, in everybody's elses views (and Mine) had ridiculous rules and was flat out outrageous most of the time. But because I decided to put myself in her shoes, I was able to understand why she did the things that she did and she respected me more for doing so. Now because of that, she showed me more favor over every1 else. I think if we all followed that pattern, more respect would go around.

  5. Civil strife among immigrant communities, i guess.

    It may not be so true of western countries where we look at ourselves as upstanding earthlings, but look at what is happening as we speak - we wage war in the middle-east, which in the case of one or two countries they also provide us with a massive influx of migrant workers.

    When you look at our actions, it's hard to see why some other country or leader wouldn't come up with the idea of securing resources or even territory based on the demands of the populace.

    Good leadership could be another.

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