
What are the main criticisms that have been made of the UN? How could the failings of the UN be redressed?

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What are the main criticisms that have been made of the UN? How could the failings of the UN be redressed?




  1. only problem I have is that they do not have influence over the U.S.

  2. UNO justifies the might is right.Democracy in all the decisions without veto power and security council is the solution of the problem.

  3. since we are the only superpower we should be fare broker

  4. Main criticism: The UN is the US's private bitc$. The world is supposed to comply with UN decisions except the US. Think about Guantanamo and/or the Iraq war.

  5. They are a useless organization.  It is basically like a giant size world congress; a whole bunch of lazy people make very good money to pretend they care.

    Unfortunately you have Presidents like GWB who wants to do something about it, but suddenly people start complaining that the world does not love us anymore, well guess what?  The world does not love us regardless, the only difference is they pretend they do if our President is willing to bend over like Clinton did for them.

  6. The UN became a Useless Nothing, which is now a playground of the worst dictatorships on Earth. The UN should be reformed or dissolved.

  7. THE United Nations and the rule of international law are in crisis. Their relevance is being questioned as never before. The criticism reached such a pitch after last year's Iraq war that many wondered whether a body increasingly seen as ineffective and anachronistic could, or indeed should, survive.

    “Rarely have such dire forecasts been made about the UN,” its secretary-general, Kofi Annan, said in his annual report to the General Assembly last year. “We have reached a fork in the road...a moment no less decisive than 1945 itself, when the UN was founded.” On December 1st, he will receive a report by a high-level panel on collective security in the face of the new global threats. It is a report that may help in deciding the organisation's fate. …

  8. They should be called the 3 IIIs -

    Insignificant, Impotent and Incompetent.

  9. They all fail in time when they try to please every one.

  10. If indeed, the foundation of the United Nations was rooted in some selfish elitist scheme to more easily control people rather than to act as some angelic international body of peace, then why would any modern day peace, love and freedom supporter believe the UN holds answers to solutions on the world's greatest problems?

    The ideal behind the UN is beautiful but the reality from the beginning was masked in deceit and outright stupidity. The presented notion was that all peace-loving countries would band together in a world where war would be avoided and harmony would reign through cooperation and fairness.

    There have been more wars and more bloodshed SINCE the advent of the UN than at any time before.

  11. There are five permanent members of the UN Security council:

    China, France, Russia, UK, US.  It's not a majority vote system- one no vote kills the issue.

    Now, consider that at some point France is going to be....well, France, and decide to be concerned with only themselves, and that votes depend on the current relationship between the countries, not the actual issue.  It also depends on what other countries are involved...

    think oil for food scandal.

    also: they are a peacekeeping organization, not a peacemaking one...they really have little authority, and what they say comes out more as suggestions, than decisions.

  12. The UN is too much of a p***y! Remember the genocide in Rwanda? Oh they had troops there were tons of them actually and they carried guns too, but ops they weren't allowed to open fire unless they were in direct danger.

    So basically they just stood around while the Rwandans offed each other.

    I mean cmon whats the worst they can do? Send a strongly worded letter?

  13. the UN is basically unable to restrain rogue states like the US or israel who go on violating its resolutions and waging agression wars.

    With super-rogue state USA on the security council,there is not much to do about this sad situation.

  14. They don't do anything.  They sit around and debate and make "sanctions."  They never enforce these sanctions and just waste time.  Not much can be to readress it.

  15. essentially there are to many politics to ever be effective with them... they could and probably should re write their whole outline for what they want to accomplish and actively seek it..

  16. Ownership of Earth by citizens and a set of rights and to  back the rights up by armed force by citizens if necessary.

    Protection for Environment as rights and control of resources as a right for all humans. To  suggest this be done get this on the table . The idea a UN Force comprised of citizens will protect rights of all of them and more could be called up if necessary.

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