
What are the main differences between us and apes?

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What are the main differences between us and apes?




  1. apes aint as wild as us humans

  2. Great apes have a smaller brain, a separated big toe that they use like a thumb for climbing, much more powerful arms, more powerful jaws, and larger teeth in males anyway.  Humans have better balance, ability to make complex tools, much finer hair, and better communication skills.

  3. The apes are more civilised

  4. Well, let's see if I can remember this all.  Regardless of beliefs we do have a lot in common with apes.  We do share about 98% of the same genes, but the cytochrome C of a dog is about 90% the same as humans.  Chimps are the closest to us.  Out of 270 allele base pairs, only 13 are different from humans.  That is only 5% difference.  Chimps also have 24 pairs of chromosomes and humans have 23.

    Our skeletons are very similar.  We both sit partially or fully upright and have grasping hands (with opposable thumbs).  Neither apes and humans have tails.  Males are about 5-10% larger than females.  They are more adaptible, and can have offspring any time of the year.  We are both omnivorous.  We share several blood types and get the same diseases.

    Most apes can drink and breath at the same time, we can't because of our ability to speak.  The brain capacity of a chimp is about 370 cc, whereas the human brain is about 1,350 cc.  The canal where the nerve fibers run from the brain to the muscles in the tongue are twice the size in humans than they are in chimps and gorillas.    But what truly makes humans unique from apes is not something we can determine from the remains.  It is stuff like language, culture, and our thinking processes.  They do think that this may have to do with the talented tongue movements associated with speech (although this isn't entirely conclusive).

    More differences include the fact that humans use symbols for communication and we have much more complex social organizations.  We have a better ability to come up with new ideas and complex technologies.  Although apes are as intelligent as a 3-4 year old child, and can use sign language (which fits into symbols) that is their limit.

    Human arms are shorter and weaker, and our legs are longer which allows us to be fully erect.  In addition, our feet are longer to help with balance and support.  This erectness also aligns our pelvis with the spinal column differently.

    Finally, humans are the only ones that go through menopause.  Apes can give birth even into old age.

    I hope this helps.

  5. I am a creationist, not an evolutionist, therefore I see a couple of very distinct differences.

    We are made in God's image and are human beings, not animals.  We have souls, they do not...  

    Other than a whole lot of other physical, mental, emotional, social and psychological differences that are obvious...  

    I was going to say we do not throw our waste products around like apes.  But, to be honest... alot of people have potty, I guess that is not true.

  6. I don't remember the exact percentage we have in common, (you could google it and find out if you wanted), but it's something amazing like 98% DNA in common with chimps. You can actually LOOK at the chimp and see where we don't match on the outside, but inside we are probably identical. Only a bit bigger?

  7. hmmm ... fur on the body and they eat copious amounts of bananas

  8. There are minor differences but I believe the main thing is to do meta thinking.

    Apes can be taught basic sign language & associate it with responses they get when doing it, to a certain extent remember experiences to know what to avoid or partake in, etc. But they can't sit down & control their thoughts. They can't read something & suddenly remember an experience unrelated. We can decide to think about someone or something & even pull random thoughts out & express them coherently without any promps.

    If an animal kills & is rewarded in some way (food, aggression release, etc.) then he sees killing as good. Only sociopaths in humans are unable to feel nothing is wrong with killing. Normal humans have a conscience & feel regret even if it was neccessary unless they were brain washed. But sometimes even the brain washing can't remove the guilt. Thank God true sociopaths are rare.

    We also can take various experiences & use them to judge the danger in an unrelated experience before it's experienced.

    The best definition I've heard for meta thinking is the ability to think about thinking about something. lol!

  9. The soul is the main difference and the ability of humans to happily kill their own species.

  10. Apes are civilised...

  11. The ability to understand abstractions, being able to walk upright, the degree of hirsuteness, impulse control, and speech.

  12. Hair

  13. most apes are Democrats.  they love those hand-outs!

  14. Hair on the nose.

  15. isn't it obvious??? and we are aren't really related to the apes. we are closely related to the Neandertal

  16. Shoe size

  17. we know how to kill them but they do not know how to kill us

  18. about 4 inches

  19. A team of biochemists from UP Overside just tried to answer such a question on June 11th in the Journal of Molecular BE Sociology

    They give explanations for why humans and primates are so clearly different biologically and intellectually, and how they are just some the same.  

    Are you aware it is an established fact that 87 percent of the DNA, or the code of life, is exactly the same between European humans and those of said ape primates. So the key to what it means to be of European decent resides in that other 13 percent would be your difference.

    That being said, it was proven by Achis Dugai, professor of Biochemistry at UDP, one important factor resides in something called Alu DNA repeats, sometimes called "junk DNA."

    These little understood sections of DNA are volatile, and prone to sudden mutations, or genomic rearrangements. At times the results some genetic defects.

    The Alu DNA is mostly found in the African decent, and largely in African American Males.  With such DNA abundance in 99% of the ape primate, scientist have for years stated that humans of African decent more closely resemble the Ape Primate than say those of the European decent.

    This new findings do come at time to explain many theories regarding the African American culture.  

    This would average 13% of European Americans DNA to resist rolling their f***s into little balls and hurling it at other persons of European decent.  However, there is only 1% of the African American DNA that would make such descendants stop before throwing such balls at each other.

    So, to answer your question, What are the main differences between us and apes?  Between 13 and 1%

  20. apes know better than to ask stupid questions

  21. They have not been given citizenship status.

  22. Apes are shite at snooker.

  23. Sadly, not too very much in some ways.

    Homo Sapien sapien is much more aggressive in many ways. 'We' put more importance on monetary values, power over others, etc.

    Humans also have a 'voice box' which is different from the Ape family, which gives us the power of speech.

    But, it has been proven that Apes can learn, use, and understand sign language.

    The 'differences' on our side would be, IMO, negative when compared to the Ape family branch.

  24. they prefer nuts and fruit than money


  26. Three chromosomes.

  27. We have cell phones to use to fling c**p at each other.  Apes only have their hands.

    Humans are way better at painting.  A preschooler has better prespective than an ape.

    Humans are much more complex with actual technology at their disposal.  They are capable of extremely complex thought.  Apes are animals - they only have primary instincts and lack a technological edge.

  28. we use loo roll x

  29. Humans are Apes, so unless you were to be more specific and ask for a comparrison between Humans and one of our ape cousins, say Chimpanzees or Bonobos for instance, then the question is not answerable. Your question is like asking "what are the main differences between Orcas and Whales?"

  30. the ability to communicate with language?

  31. we have thumbs

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