
What are the main differences in policies between Fine Gael and Fianna Fail?

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When they were originally founded Fine Gael had a conservative, por-British attitude while Fianna Fail was for the Republic. But that was a century or so ago, what are the main differences nowadays though?




  1. FF - in power & very corrupt

    FG - out of power & slighly less corrupt

    Thats it really.....

    Very little difference in the politics. Both parties are middle of the road conservatives

  2. Fianna fail were opposed to the treaty, formed by dev (habitual liar and hippocrite, nice to see they are keeping the traditions alive)

    Fine Gael are more in keeping with the traditions and values of the original treaty and are certinly not pro british, they have direct links to michael collins who if he managed to live would have been one of the founding fathers of fine gael as he was part of cumman na gael.

    funny how FF who were formed to opose the treaty and regain the north were quick to drop articles two and three of the constitution to please paisley, in that respect they have betrayed their founding principles.

    FG and labour gave use the free fees for university, and the CAB. bertie stole the work that john bruton had done for the north and adopted it for himself in 1997 as bruton had to leave office, he adopted brutons policies and claimed all the credit for himself, he never once acknowledged brutons hard work.

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