
What are the main differences of the athletic build of black and white people?

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What are the main differences of the athletic build of black and white people?




  1. You are ignorant.

  2. Depends, there is not one single form of an athletic build as everyone uses different exercises for different things.  

    As for Blacks, there are 6 different racial Black groups in Africa, so they all have different shapes.  A Nigerian for instance will have a bigger body than a Kenyan or Ethiopian.

  3. Black people have longer ligaments in their legs making them stronger more flexible thus making them faster.

  4. Its not the black race but black people of West African origin and East African origin who have these unique advantages

    West African low lands

    (Sierra Leone to Nigeria) also ancestry of majority of afro Caribbean, African Americans Black Europeans

    over 100,000 years adaptation to:

    Higher oxygen levels

    Adaptation to these levels allowed a body to develop a bigger & thick build because the amount of oxygenated blood to be supplied was great allowing great amounts of body build to be sustained and also an adaptation created them to have faster muscle twitches making them do rapid movements in limbs arms and legs.

    This gives them an advantage in:

    Spiriting, Punching, Jumping sports

    East African high lands (Ethiopia, Kenya)

    over 100,000 years adaptation to:

    Lower oxygen levels

    Adaptation to these levels allowed a body to develop a small & slim build because the amount of oxygenated blood to be supplied was low allowing only smaller amounts of oxygenated blood to be sustained and also an adaptation created them to sustain long paced movements in their limbs and possibly a lower chance of getting lactic acid build up in their limbs in the process.

    This gives them an advantage in:

    Long distant running stamina sports

  5. IDk

  6. Good question, this. You've probably noticed that the men's Olympic 100m final has for years now consisted solely of black men. If you've asked yourself why there are no white men, that can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on why you've asked yourself that, i.e. whether you were curious or whether you feel there was something wrong. But that's beside the point. The second answre to this was to say you are ignorant, so it's the sort of question that's easy to jump to conclusions about you about. (I know, that's syntactically ugly as h**l!)

    Something I read ages ago was that a black man has proportionally less body fat than a white man. Therefore, a black man has more muscle than a white man of the same weight. Therefore, at the top end of the global scale of fast men - Bolt, g*y, Powell, etc - you will predominantly find black men. Simple Darwiniam, sort of. People of African ancestry are genetically predisposed to being better athletically built than those of Caucasian ancestry.

    Does this mean that as far as athletics is concerned the black man is better than the white man? Guess it does. But that's an opinion based on the first sentence of my second paragraph, which, for me, explains it in my own little brain. And that's the end of the black/white distinction for me. Here, I have used skin colour as an indicator of genetics and the role they play (or "it plays?") in the human build. And anyone who uses it for any other reason deserves the thrashing of a lifetime. People have been using it for the wrong reason for centuries now.

  7. thats not a bad question. blacks tend to be faster runners. and whites swimmers/volley ball and ect.

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