
What are the main differneces b/w democrats and republicans?

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what are the main differences between the two in general?

what are general charactersitics of each one?




  1. Here are a couple:

    The GOP's support of big business/old money at the expense of the common American has enabled corporations to ship many of our good jobs overseas, so the executives could save a few $ for stockholders, and get their bonuses, while the rest of us have to worry about having a job.

    The Republicans believe that a woman does NOT have the "right to choose" whether to have an abortion.

    The McCain/GOP war in Iraq has cost us $3 TRILLION!! That's $10,000 PER PERSON! It has not found WMD or bin Laden, cost 4,000+ US lives, and had no justification! I could have used that $10,000 back in MY pocket.

    It is ironic that Republicans criticize Democrats as tax-and-spend liberals, yet this Republican administration has done more to increase the US' federal deficit than any other administration in history (they are the "New Democrats"!).  The US now owes $10 TRILLION (or $30,000 per person);  do they think our debtors (mostly China) are going to forgive that?  

  2. Reps. anti- abortion

    Dems pro-abortion\

    Reps. - Good for economy

    Dems - bad for economy.

  3. A Democrat/liberal would run into a fire to save someone's life.

    A Republican/conservative would stand by and wonder whether it's in his best interest to do so.

  4. Republicans believe...

    ...that the United States were founded on the fundamental principle that individuals have certain rights and freedoms which cannot be infringed upon and may be restricted only to the degree necessary to preserve the rights of others.

    ...the money you earn is yours and that government in a free society has the right to take only as much as is needed to perform those limited functions, which are appropriate to it.

    ...the traditional family and the values it fosters are the foundation of American society and their preservation is essential to our Nation's continued success.

    ...parents have the right to determine the values with which their children will be raised and to have the widest possible choice among public, private and religious schools and that competition will improve public education.

    ...that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress.

    ...high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth.

    ...that with freedom comes responsibility and that individuals must take personal responsibility for their own actions and our criminal justice system must be based on this idea.

    ...that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions.

    ...the preservation of our rights and freedoms must be entrusted to a strong national defense and of the ability of the United States to negotiate with other nations from a position of strength. is imperative today to re-affirm the traditional freedoms and values of America to preserve our great Republic.

    ...there can be differences of opinion and that such differences such result in opponents, not enemies.

    ...that all of America's citizens can enjoy the rights and freedoms of our country without diminishing the rights of others .

    ...that public servants, particularly those whom we elect to office, must be held accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct.  "If a man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, can he be trusted with the government of others?" [Thomas Jefferson]

    Democrats believe…

    ...that our Founding Fathers did not really mean what they said when they guaranteed certain constitutional rights such as the right to freedom of religious expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to retain the use of private property.

    ...government has a right to use your money as it sees fit to redistribute wealth, establish new spending programs in times of budget surpluses, and to return to you only that portion of your money which is politically expedient.

    ...American society must redefine its values and the role of the family to fit new lifestyle concepts, which have resulted from the 60ís counter-culture movement and an attitude that promotes an abrogation of individual responsibility.

    ...the federal government has the right to determine the values which will be taught in public schools and parentsí choice of schools must be limited to avoid exposing public schools to competitive forces which would encourage reform and increase accountability.

    ...that government regulation and federal control of economic activity can better distribute wealth and services to the American people.

    ...penalizing achievement with higher taxes and increased government bureaucracy and spending will not stifle economic growth but instead guarantee prosperity for everyone.

    ...individual behavior, including criminal behavior, can be blamed on "society" and that spending on social welfare programs and improvements in prison living conditions can combat crime.

    ...the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners.

    ...we can afford to drastically weaken our military despite the threats present in an unstable, post-Cold War international environment and the United States must subjugate its interests to those of the United Nations.

    ...that America must adopt a politically correct, multi-cultural set of values which denies common American heritage and will further divide American society.

    ...that all whom oppose them are to be treated as enemies.

    ...that some must give up a portion of their rights and freedoms that others may enjoy those same rights and freedoms.

    ...that loyalty to a discredited leader is a virtue and if other office holders have committed indiscretions, a sitting office holder should not be criticized for failing to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.

  5. Republicans do what is right for our country. Democrats try to appease the entire world. Democrats kill babies, love hormelsexuality, they love convicted felons, they love illegal immigrants, they love to spend someone else's money (taxation), they worry that terrorists will be tortured, they believe terrorists should enjoy the same rights as americans and the hatred of our American flag is another. I could go on and on and on and on. No true Christian should vote the democrat ticket knowing all they stand for. But even Christ said that christians would compromise their beliefs for the temporary benefits this world has to offer.

  6. Democrats are for the everyday people and Republicans are for the rich people and large corporations and against everyday people. Though many everyday people still don't get this....

  7. I'm no political analyst or anything, but from what I've seen over the past 16 years is this:

    Democrats - for building up the nation in general by making the economy and the dollar stronger, increasing the number of available jobs, making the military strong without being bullies, and increase the general welfare of the population.

    Republicans - for building up the large corporations, exporting the manufacture of American goods because somebody got paid off, weakening the economy and the dollar, decreasing the number of available jobs, using our strong military to go into situations that are none of our business, and letting the general population take care of itself.

    This is just my viewpoint from what I have noticed over the past 16 years.  Since I would like to see a stronger economy, more available jobs, etc....I lean more to the Democratic side.  Republicans seem to leave a bad taste in my mouth (no pun intended).

  8. Good question. Please look it up and do your research. History will show you that Democrats is a 'party FOR the people'. Republicans are a party OF the people. In other words, Republicans are mostly for themselves, looking out only for their self interests. It is mostly a party for the rich and or elite. While Democrats are a melting pot of all races, beliefs, and economic diversity.

    Perfect example is how tens of thousands were left to DIE in Louisianna after Katrina, begging George Bush and the Republican Party for help while he remained on vacation. Three years later, they still suffer. Monies that were raised and sent to help them never reached them, and was used for other things. If they were rich White people, they would have NEVER been ignored. Another example.... while we struggle to fill our gas tanks, the Republicans go on  a 5 week vacation without a resolution to the problem.

  9. Republicans usually prefer swift unwarranted military action, tax cuts for the rich, increased taxes for the middle class. Strict on issues such as g*y marriage and abortion

    Democrats - the opposite  

  10. Republicans believe in personal responsibility more than Democrats do.

  11. The Republican seems to think that assets are owned by the people who earned them. Democrat seems to feel that the government is much more qualified to manage your assets than are you.

  12. Republicans use Christianity as a shield that they hide behind for against Christians and the rest of the world. They hold up two standards mostly- homosexual marriages and abortions and shout how displeased God would be with that. Yet they don't tap into the fact that the Bible also speaks of loving your enemy as yourself. They forget about the part where the Bible also says take of the widows and the poor.

    Many of us that are Believers fall for the smoke screen. I am Believer that understands saying people have the right to do something isn't saying that it is right.God put the tree in the garden and told them not to eat from it but he didn't put a fence around it to keep them from it. He gave each of us free will yet the Reps don't think people should have that right. Dems say let tthepeople decide.

    I hope people don't fall for it again because a part of Christianity is compassion. A part of Christianity is an ability to be diplomatic. Paul said it best, I become all things to all men that they may be saved.  Big iinterests achieved on the backs of the majority isn't  right.

    I hope we don't fall for it again with McCain. I voted for Bush on 2 issues. Now I vote for Obama on 99 issues excluded those same 2 issues with a better understanding of what God wants at least from my point of view.

    I have a feeling the anti christ will come saying abortion is wrong, saying homosexual marriage is wrong. I agree that in a lot of ways and biblically speaking they are wrong. Yet he will pull teh wool over many Believers eyes because we jump on superficial issues such is that and forget that God judges the hearts of men. He doesn't just judge actions, he judges motives.

    What  is McCain's motive? Big oil! More war!  More jobs shipped away?

    That is the quest of the Reps in my opinion. Let us not let 2 issues keep us from the greater good for all men. Let us not let race keep us from the greater good  of all people.

    I only got on the Christianity aspect because of  the previous poster that felt the need to bring God into this.

    P.S. The Reps have basically defecated on the Constitution over the last term. They have trampled all over the civil liberties and rights of citizens. Listen to Ron Paul, he is a republican that keeps it real. Look at the Patriot Act... The say that Obama is the one. Bush was the one and McCain wil finish what he started if given the chance. Habeus Corpus has become a thing of the past under Bush/Cheney.

  13. in a nutshell...

    Republicans are more conservative (traditional)--leaning to the right

    Democrats tend to lean to left (liberal), want change (Obama is a more than perfect example of a hardcore Democrat)

  14. the republican party of today is the democrat party of 1960..

    J.F.K. was to the right of gw bush on every issue.

    basicly ask not what your country can do for you.....

    it is the party of patirots and hard working people.

    it is for ambitios people that want to own a home and make more than minimum i say this was the democrat party i grew up in.

    today the democrat party has been taken over by socilists..

    don't just take my word for it check out what joe leiberman and Zell Miller say about this subject.(they were two of the democrat leaders 10 years ago) they are not welcome and are registered as independants..

    today the democrat party feel a doctor should make the same $ as a crack head  or ilegal alien.. they should live in the same housing project and ride the same bus...they love the old soviat union system.

    none of them know enough to reolise that system of goverment has never worked at any time in is a good theroy no rich no poor.

    but people will not work without reward....they just lay around use drugs and the end the country starves and there are shortages of everything.Obama is worse than that..

    his polisys and campain are exact duplicates of germany's nationalist socilist party (n**i) ..some down right scairy stuff going on there..

    good people that don't know history are worshiping a corrupt chicago politicion acting as if he were a saint or a profit..

    hail der new furror

  15. just look at the least 8 yrs cant you see

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