
What are the main expenses of a dairy farm?

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I know you have to pay for food, water, workers wages, etc, but how much it all costs?

How much does a cow eat? How much the food cost? How much milk do you get per cow?




  1. Feed is the #1 expense.

    Good cows give around 120 lbs milk per day

    Dairy cows eat around 40-50 lbs feed per day

    Plain alfalfa cost is around 300 dlls per ton

    Other feeds are similar in cost

    Any Good To You?

  2. I'm no dairy farmer, but I'd guess they pay a bundle in dealing with all the cow $hit.

  3. buying cows and feeding them

  4. Dairy cows on average will eat approximately 3.5% of body weight.  Feed costs vary and with the increase of commodity prices the prices that I was familiar with are thrown out the window.  Per hundred pounds of milk my rule of thumb was $4.75 - 5.50 U.S.  Milk production can vary from cows eating only grass on pasture to highly concentrated rations in a total mixed ration brought to them by feeder wagon.  This range can be from 35-40 pounds per cow per day up to 90-110 pounds or more per cow per day.

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