
What are the main food supermarkets in New Zealand ? Whats an average weekly spend for a family of 4 in NZ$ ?

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What are the main food supermarkets in New Zealand ? Whats an average weekly spend for a family of 4 in NZ$ ?




  1. from memory the main ones are pak n save, new world, countdown,

    ave spend would be about $150 - $200

  2. SORRY, but what has this to do with "dining out"?

  3. The best supermarket chain in NZ is New World. The quality of the products, esp. fresh food, value, service are the best. PaknSav is comparatively cheap and don't forget to bring some shopping bags with you or you pay 10c each bag. The quality of the products of Countdown is not as good as New World or PaknSav. These are the major supermarkets. Other supermarkets are Woolworth, Food town, Super value etc. The average weekly spend for a family of 4 would be $150-200.

  4. Pak n Save, Countdown, New World (National) and Foodtown (Auckland). These are the main four. In order of most expensive to least is generally:

    New World/Foodtown (debatable)


    Pak n Save

    The top 2 are nice, the bottom 2 less so. They are more for budget concious folks. Pak n save is different from the rest in that they don't pack your bags for you which can be a real b****. Not worth it just to save a few cents.

  5. New World


    Pak n Save



    Average would be between $150-250

    It depends on the family and if they are on a tight budget or like to buy the expensive yummy food.

  6. The American dollar nearly doubles when you go to NZ. It's about $0.75 to the dollar, so just take about how much your family spends here, and pretty much double it. I'm from NZ, so lemme warn you now that you only get free refills on ANYTHING at McD's, and things like hoodies, clothing in general, etc. that  you can get in America for $10 are about $50 over there. ^_^

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